Cat Fight

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Mkash: The kitten meowed at me awwww <3

PikaKris17: Lol, I just happened to pick her up at that moment xD

Mkash: No it was saying bye to me

PikaKris17: Sure she was xD

Mkash: I will fight you for the kitten because nothing beats a kitten snuggle

Mkash: Or at least try to help the kitten

PikaKris17: I shall fight you ._.

Mkash: *Takes a little kitten stance*

Mkash: *Arches back and hisses at you*

Mkash: >:x

PikaKris17: Pulls a Momma Cat stance and lowers head slightly, tail twitching and growling low in her throat, staring at you unblinking with slitted eyes

Mkash: LOL *starts to purr*

Mkash: *Hands you open can of cat food*

PikaKris17: Glares at the cat food and slowly approaches it, sniffing it precariously, slitted eyes still pinned on you while beginning to devour the cat food

Mkash: Meow >^•^<

Mkash: *Hands you another can of cat food*

PikaKris17: Licks lips after eating the first one and continues to glare, tail twitching irritably and growling low in her throat, reaching out a single paw to swat the cat food away. Her gaze reads that she is satisfied and ready to fight if necessary

Mkash: Aww *bats ball of yarn at you*

Mkash: *And bats open can of food toward the kitten*

PikaKris17: Eyes ball of yarn and glances back at kitten, still unsteady on her feet, her vision partially rendered from her and walks over to help lead the kitten around.  Glances back at ball of yarn and swiftly jumps to swipe at it once and then quickly walks back to her kitten

Mkash: *Rolls ball back to you and kitten*

PikaKris17: Kitten playfully walks up to wrestle with the ball, the silhouette of the object the only thing she can see, however slightly blurred it may be.  Momma lies down on her belly and watches kitten carefully, tail still twitching ominously.

Mkash: *Watches kitten play with yarn ball and swishes tail back and forth calmly*

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