Guessing Games with Disney Pt. 6

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PikaKris17: "No chance! No way! I won't say it, no, no!"

PikaKris17: "You swoon! You sigh! Why deny it, uh-oh!"

PikaKris17: "I thought my heart had learned it's lesson."

PikaKris17: "It feels so good when you staaaaart out."

Mkash: Hercules,

Tyberius11: "WHOOP DE DO"

Tyberius11: So wish you could post gifs here

PikaKris17: "My head is screaming 'Get a grip, girl!', Unless you're dying to cry your heart out, oooooh!"

PikaKris17: Dammit xD

PikaKris17: Mkash guessed too soon xDD

Mkash: It's the argument between the Fates and Meg

PikaKris17: Yes xD

Tyberius11: "You're not in love with him are you?" - Hades

Tyberius11: Why's it all silent when I try this reference?

PikaKris17: Sry, I was looking up other references cuz I haven't done Disney in a while xD

Tyberius11: Oh I felt awkward for a bit cause I joined in with no response

PikaKris17: Nah, you're fine xD

PikaKris17: I just feel like doing a double Disney guess cuz it's been so long xD

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