Sodoku? Sopeku? Seppuku? Meh.

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Phyra Bladequill: is meh a feeling?  I'm feeling meh.

YomanRyan: I might commit sodoku soon

Mkash: Meh usually means you are at the not caring, or "whatever", or "fuck it" point

Mkash: And I think you mean sopeku

Phyra Bladequill: I'm pretty sure you both are referring to seppuku... x'D

Mkash: Ritual suicide by disembowelment

Mkash: Thank you Kris

Phyra Bladequill: Yes, that.  Also agree with the "whatever" emotion. x'D

Mkash: Your welcome

Mkash: By the way check my play history for ARAM... I had a great game last night

PikaKris17: Yeah, Phyra's spelling is correct for this one xD

YomanRyan: No I mean sodoku

YomanRyan: Ritual suicide through math puzzles

Mkash: Oh

YomanRyan: But I don't I'll ever try suicide again. I damn near killed myself last time

Mkash: ...

SauceLvlOver9000: good after noon

PikaKris17: LOL

SauceLvlOver9000: I just woke up lol

PikaKris17: You'll be the Sodoku Zombie from PvZ, Ryan 😂😂

Mkash: Oh good means he won't eat my brain I am horrible at those

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