Guessing Games with Disney Pt. 5

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PikaKris17: *Swiftly runs into the room*

PikaKris17: Only because I haven't done this in a while...

PikaKris17: "Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man,"

PikaKris17: "Of my virtue I am justly proud," (Et tibit Pater)

PikaKris17: "Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak licentious crowd (Quia peccavi nimis)"

PikaKris17: "Then tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there. Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul!"

PikaKris17: "I feel her, I see her, the sun caught in her raven hair is blazing in me out of all control!"

PikaKris17: "Like fire, hellfire! This fire in my skin..."

PikaKris17: "This burning desire, is turning me to sin..."

PikaKris17: What movie!? xD

Mkash: Devil Wears Parrada?

Mkash: And that figures I hop on everyone hops off :(

PikaKris17: No ;-;



PikaKris17: I feel so sad now...

Iron Lord Mercy: What was the clue?

PikaKris17: Scroll up and find out ._.

Iron Lord Mercy: From yesterday?

Iron Lord Mercy: Thats the hunchback from... that one place i cant pronounce...

Mkash: Notre Dame

Iron Lord Mercy: Hunchback of notre dame

Iron Lord Mercy: There i got it

Iron Lord Mercy: I like the hellfire song. Thats the only reason why i got it and remember the movie.

Iron Lord Mercy: I like how i get right and get no response, nice. Not gonna participate in this shenanigans again.

PikaKris17: Well at least someone finally guessed ._.

Tyberius11: You okay Mercy? You seem a bit on edge

Tyberius11: I don't get responses sometimes on here too

Iron Lord Mercy: Nobody talk to me.

Iron Lord Mercy: Im done.

Iron Lord Mercy: Im eating another egg.

PikaKris17: BOI

PikaKris17: And technically Mkash gets the win? xD

Mkash: Wait I won something? And I share with Mercy.

PikaKris17: Fair enough xP

Mkash: And that is also partially because I am asleep right now

PikaKris17: Go meemees xD

Iron Lord Mercy: No, take the win. Idc anymore

Iron Lord Mercy: Im dead anyways so....

Mkash: No you aren't Mercy!  And if you are I am dragging you back to the land of the living

Mkash: Pulls out giant Grimore

Iron Lord Mercy: No im good, bye. Goodnight.

Mkash: Starts flipping through pages to find revival spells and healing spells

Iron Lord Mercy: *flips of Kriss be for jumping off to the abyss*

Mkash: Throws Mercy a lasso and proceeds to pull him back up.  Then ties him to Kris and then both to a fence

Mkash: Goes back to reading for spells trying to figure out which school to use.  Also just so you know that rope is designed to hold ghosts, spirits, etc. So you are not getting away, besides you can haunt Kris better this way.

Iron Lord Mercy: *escapes because im awsome like that.*
Its fine mkash. Ill be back tomorow, just got to suffer a bit more.
*proceeds to jump off*

Iron Lord Mercy: Wait did you tie me to kris?

Iron Lord Mercy: Why xD

Mkash: Yes

Iron Lord Mercy: Just read that through again XD

Mkash: Figured you would have fun haunting her

Mkash: :p

PikaKris17: Jerks! XD

Mkash: You distract him from his suffering

Mkash: And your welcome... I am starting to think that song from Moana should be my them song...

Mkash: theme...

Iron Lord Mercy: Nah man i called that song when it came out. Goes well with "ego"

Iron Lord Mercy: Wait, why dont we share it?

Iron Lord Mercy: Yes i will share thise song with you.

Iron Lord Mercy:

Iron Lord Mercy: And your welcome. :)

Mkash: LOL

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