Virtual Murder

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Mkash: Not going to be on tonight...

Mkash: Tired and very long day

Mkash: nvermind looks like it was dehydration


Mkash: Working on it phyra

PikaKris17: I'll probably be on tonight since I work at 3 tomorrow, but I'm hanging out with my girlfriend right now and then later Mercy is gonna join us :P

PikaKris17: Well, not on League, but irl xD

Mkash: What about Caleb?

Tyberius11: Oh I thought you said mercy was gonna join us on here ;-;

PikaKris17: Idk ;-;


Phyra Bladequill: what about earth and air? :v

PikaKris17: That's why I decided to clarify, Ty, cuz even I read that as Mercy joining us on here xD

PikaKris17: Omg xD

Mkash: I am with Phyra

YomanRyan: Whatever happened to mercy

Mkash: Kris killed him for buying her a skin

PikaKris17: Yes I did 😂😂

Mkash: When are you getting on?

PikaKris17: Well I'm still out atm :3

Mkash: dang

PikaKris17: Yeah :3

PikaKris17: Btw, Mercy says hi from beyond the grave xD

Mkash: LOL

Mkash: hi back

PikaKris17: I've possessed the phone. Hello world! Kris killed me, but I am haunting her as I promised. I'll be on soon. Been busy with the whole trying to get out of hell thing. Nice to hear you guys are having fun. I'll see you soon bye :) -Brian

Phyra Bladequill: MERCYYYY

Mkash: MERCY

Arrowswift: gj, man. if you see any of my co-workers, say hi.

Phyra Bladequill: Stay safe, mate!!

Phyra Bladequill: ARROW NO

Tyberius11: Caleb and I are master pranksters

Tyberius11: Why did that send just now xD

Tyberius11: Lol league friends on mobile acts weird with messages

PikaKris17: You're coworkers said hi!

Arrowswift: woo!

PikaKris17: I think my client is lagging...

Phyra Bladequill: don't say. x'D

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