How many people have I killed. How many families have I ruined. How many hopeless children have I left. "You are a monster" ranged in my head like a broken radio. What have I done. This boy was no older then 15 himself and imagine how old his sister is. "But I put you both up for adoption and I told them to give you two to a high class family?" I remember doing that right after I killed their father. "Well not everything worked your way. We were sold as slaves to an abusive family. My sister is only 5 year old yet she has to go through all that beating everyday" oh no I didn't wanted that to happen. "Look boy put the gun down and we will talk" I suggest not because I was scared but because I felt guilty of my doing. "No I will not. You need to die" he spoke with rage. "Yes I do but not right now" I knew my place here.

A bullet buzzed past my head hitting the boy right on his chest. What? Where did that come from. I turn around to see a men behind me with a gun. "What the fuck?" I was confused as I threw the knife towards the man. Hold his shoulder he looked at me "this is what I get for helping you" why did he wanted to help me. We will see with that later. I ran to the boy "don't die" I screamed. He was young and he had a sister waiting for him. "I won't survive" he said a struggle. "No" I told him "stay". "I can' sis--ter" he didn't had much time left. "Where is she?" I had to know. "5 hour towards the west" he stopped breathing. Fish? Fish what. What was he going to say?.

No this can't happen. He didn't deserve this. "You mother fucker why did you kill him" I asked. "He was going to kill you" the man replied."And who told you to help me" I didn't need his help. "You are a girl and all alone at night with a gun pointed to your head what was I supposed to do" he said. "Leave. You were suppose to leave." I checked the boy's pluse one last time to confirm he was dead. Yes he was. I started searching his pocket for anything. In his left pocket I found a picture of a little girl holding hands with him. Maybe this was his sister but how am I going to find her.

After a minute or two of silence I looked up at the man again. "What are you doing here" he asked. "I could ask you the same" well he looked familiar but I don't know him. "Have we met before?" This time I was the one to question him. "I don't think so but have you seen this boy before?" He pulled out a picture from his jacket. I looked closely but it didn't look like anyone I have seen before. "No I don't know him why you asked" I made eye contact with him. "This is my brother he have gone missing and I am out to find him" he explained. "Oh I am here to look for my cousin. she has been taken away by a gang" I told him about Laura. "What really?" He looked surprised. "Yeah" I said. "I am in a gang myself but I have to find my brother first". "Which gang" I asked. "Archers" wait no way I am in good connection with archers. "I am black" I said. "Oh so you are the great black" he spoke with a smirk on his face. "I am hayden. We have never met before but our gang's have a very good connection. Why don't we team up to find our people" he offered. It didn't seem bad maybe he will be some help with finding Laura and that little girl. I thought to myself.

After placing the body in my trunk I walked over to the driver seat and told hayden to sit in the passenger seat while Cesar moved to the backseat. "Ahhhhhhh" was the first thing I heard. I looked to my right to see paniced hayden. "What's wrong" i asked. "CALL 911 HURRY UP". "Why" I was confused. "Look behind you. A tiger have escaped the zoo and is in your back seat" he shouted like a mad man. "Calm down first that's Cesar my pet and second he didn't escape any zoo" I told him. "Are you out of your mind. you have a killer as a pet" ok that was offensive. "We are both killers so why are you bringing my Cesar into this". "Well ummm ok" he ran out of words as I started my car. It was almost morning but the rain won't stop. I needed to find out about the fish the boy was talking about because his sister can't be left with that family. I hate kids but I have to find her and give her a home.

Driving I noticed this hayden boy was very silent. "Hey what's wrong with you" I tried to talk to him. "Nothing just wondering where my brother could be and if I will ever find him or not" that's deep but ok. "Don't worry I will help you find him when we find my cousin" I will help him if he helps me.

My phone started ringing. I received the call and the person on the other end spoke. "Hey did you find anything yet" oh it was Cole. "No nothing yet but I am still trying to get a hold of any possible way to find Laura" but I still had no clue about her. "Don't stress yourself out to much it's not good for you" he worries to much. I was driving towards the west like the boy told me. "Hey do you know any place that starts with fish 5 hours drive to west from coffee bean Cafe" I asked hoping to find the girl. "Your explanation is funny but let me see hmm maybe I know this place" he laughed. "So what is it" i was not in the mood for joking.

"It's the fish factory"

A/n: how did y'all find this chapter and let me know who is your favorite character so far?

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