Part 13

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Louise POV

I wake up from my alarm going off. I unfortunately have school today. I look at my phone and notice that Logan hasn't text me this morning. I get a little worried and think, it's okay. He's probably just showering and will text me when he's done. So I put my phone down and go take a shower myself. It's feels so nice the way the hot water hits my skin, i use my favorite body wash and wash myself and grab my shampoo and wash my hair. I look down at my body and notice a little red mark from where Logan had been sucking on. I smile at the thought of it, Logan on me, But it quickly went away when I thought that he might not text me today. I really hope he does. I realize that I've probably been in the shower for a long period of time and decide to hurry and put conditioner in my hair. I finish up and turn of the shower and grab my towel and ran into my room to check my phone. My heart felt like it sank when he still had not text me. I got dressed and did my hair. I sat back on my bed and decide to text him.

"Hey, its me.. Louise.. just thought I'd say good morning LogieBear"

"The message says delivered so I know he got it.. all I have to do is wait." Is what I say to myself.

After 20 mins I decided maybe I should get some breakfast. Since I do have to go to school today. I went to the kitchen to see my family there as well.

"Morning Louise. Are you hungry? I made bacon and eggs" bob says

"Uh yea sure" I say

"How are you and Logan doing?" My mom says

"It's going good.." I say plainly

"Do I HEAR WEDDDIINNGG BEELLLSS!!?" Linda says Singing

"Lin" bob says like normal

I open my mouth to say something but I couldn't think of anything to say. I haven't thought about stuff like that my entire life. I mean marriage is gross, why would I want something like that.. a little "me" running around.. that's weird... but it would be kinda cool to see all the pranks we could come up with.

"Usually you'd have something to say Louise like eww gross or too much mom." Bob says washing the pan

"Ehh too much on my mind I guess."

"You want to talk about it sweety or angeldust? Wait never mind.." bob says

"No, I gotta go, I don't want to be late." I say getting up from the dining table

Bob was going to reply when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, it might be Rudy" I say
And no surprise it was Rudy. At least Rudy would respond to my text I say to myself

"Hey Rudy" I say

"Hey Louise, you ready to go?" He says

"Let me get my backpack" I say
I grab my bag and my phone and still no text. I say bye to my family and walk out with Rudy to my car and drive off to school.

Time skip

"Hey louise, you look a little down. Everything alright?" Rudy asks me

"Yea I'm fine, no worries rud" I say brushing his question off

"Louise we've been friends since we were kids, we are adults now, I know when something is up with you. You can talk with me louise." He says sincerely

I sigh and park in the school parking lot. "Okay Rudy, if I tell you this, you can not say anything to anyone and you have to not get upset.." I say looking into his eyes

"I promise louise" he says while holding my hand platonically

"Okay, well, yesterday...." I saw

Rudy nods to me to keep talking

"I lost my virginity.... to Logan..." I say not looking at him

"Are you serious Louise?" Sounding shock

"Yea..." I say sadly

"Oh, wow, Louise, didn't think you would lose it honestly, to Logan no less. How was it?" He says

"Yea, right? Umm it was... really good honestly.. painful at first of course but after it felt so nice, and like it was suppose to happen.." I say

"Well it's good you're happy with your first time, is that why you're upset?" Rudy asks

"No, well yes, well umm, see is part of the reason." I say

"What's the rest of it?" Rudy asks

"Well he hasn't text me today.. or respond to my text I sent him" I show Rudy my message to Logan. so I'm worried that that's what he wanted to begin with and he won't talk to me anymore.." I say with a tear coming my eye

"Oh no Louise don't cry, I'm sure that's not the reason. He's probably just really busy with work. He does work for the guy who owns everything. Just give him some time. Okay?" He says positively

Rudy actually makes a lot of sense. I say to myself

"If he doesn't text you by midnight tonight then just forget him Louise. You deserve way better then him." Rudy says

I nod my head and smile. He is right honestly. Logan is not worth my time if he can't take a second to text me back after something so serious. Me and Rudy get out if my car and head to class. As me and Rudy are saying bye to eachother I bump into someone dropping my phone.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I say to the person who bumped into me. I reach to grab my phone but the person picked it up for me and handed it to me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there! That was all my fault." The guy said.

He was honestly very attractive. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a nice smile. Girls must drool over him.

"Oh, it's fine I guess." I say

"I just transferred to this school so I'm very clueless to everything around here. What's your name?" He says with his hand out to shake

"Louise" I say

"I'm Alex Greenfield" he says smiling

"Hey you've been here for a while, you think you can tell me where class 210 is?" He asks me

"Yea sure it's down this hall, I'll show you really quick." I say

"Thank you." He says.

Man this guy is a dream boat I think to myself. Wait no, gross, don't think like that louise.
We walk down the hall and made a right and ended up at his classroom.

"Well here it is." I say

"Thanks Louise, I hope I can see you soon." He says with that handsome smile

"Yea maybe... bye" I say turning on my heel to head to class.

"Gosh I'm so socially awkward" I say facepalming my way to class.

Logan And Louise Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora