Chapter 7

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So as Louise and Logan walk to his car. He notices that she isn't wearing her bunny ears.

"Hey, no four ears tonight?" While pointing at his head

Louise looks at him and says "no, not tonight at least."

Louise looks at what he's wearing and can't take her eyes off of him. He's wearing a cerulean blue shirt that makes his eyes pop. Some dress slacks and black dress shoes. A really nice business casual outfit.

They get to the car and he ask her "where would you like to go Louise? This night is about you"

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

They get to the car and he ask her "where would you like to go Louise? This night is about you"

Louise can't stop herself from blushing. "Ummm... where did you have in mind?"

Logan says "Well, I was thinking this luxury movie theater over in Kings Head Island? I remember when I was younger my parents took me trick or treating there since my mom wanted to live the high life. Then as I got older, me and my friends would always go there for Halloween to get full sizes candy bars."

"Wow really? That's what me and my siblings did once." Louise says

"Yea right? Well one day when I was talking to my dad. He mentioned it was somewhere where he took his first love and the experience was well worth the time it takes to get there." Logan says

"Really? What's great about it?" Louise says with curiosity

"This movie theater is like a 2 in 1 kind of place. Basically it's a movie theater slash restaurant. They brings gourmet food to your seat while you sit in really soft recliner chairs. What's really nice also is that they give you a mini pillow and blanket as well." Logan says excitedly

Louise sees how excited he got while talking about it. All she could think about was that he brought other girls there as well.. possibly a girl that he... loved. Someone that's not her. Since as he said.. he's doing this to bury the hatchet between them. He doesn't actually care for her in that way.

" Sounds awesome Logan! Let's do it! Do they have alcohol as well?" She says laughing

Logan chuckles at her question. "Haha yes Louise, they have alcohol."

"Alright then, let's go! Haha" Louise shouts

Logan then head to the movie theater that's 40 mins away. To pass the time, him and Louise sing songs with each other's. Like rock bands, metal bands. Evanescence starts playing and all they do is sing:

"Hhooowww ccaaaann yyyooouuu sseeee iinnntttooo mmyyyy eeeyyeess, liikeee openn dooors! Leeaadddiinngg yoouuu ddowwnn iinntttooo myyy cooorreee, whereee iiveee beeccoommmee ssooo nuuummb!"

They start laugh so hard they couldn't breath for a moment. They sing until they finally reached the theater.
At the movie theater they start looking at the movies that they should watch.

"What are you in the mood for? I was thinking a action, thriller or scary movie" Logan says

"I was thinking the same thing." Louise says
"Mmm... how about... Ready or Not?" Louise suggested

"Sounds good to me" Logan says

Logan pays for the tickets and the guy tells them theater 9 and points to the left and they head to towards that direction. When they head inside Louise is fascinated by how amazing this place is. It's exactly how he describe it. The seats are recliner chairs and there's a pillow and blanket right on it. Excitedly, She pulls him towards the middle of the movie theater since those are the best seats in the house. They sit down and look at the menus that were on the little table in between them. She wonders how the food and drinks will fit on it but focuses on what she should get.

"Wow.. they have so many drinks" Louise says surprised

Logan laughs "that's really all you noticed?"

"What can I say? Mama loves her liquor" she says laughing

Logan laughs as well. "Well I was thinking a coke with filet sliders. It sounds really good plus I'm driving so no drinking for me"

Louise looks at him with a surprised look on her face" Really? You've had burgers for a month straight"

Logan shrugs "Not really, it's more of a mini steak on a bun. But I just really like burgers as well I guess" he says with a slight chuckle.

Louise nods "I guess I'll have the buffalo chicken spring rolls with a Long Island ice tea."

Logan looks at her with a stern face. "A Long Island huh? You know those are really strong. I mean they taste good but they get you messed up pretty quick"

"Sounds like my kind of drink." She says laughing. "Besides I can handle my liquor."

"Alright Louise, if you says so" Logan says.

They ordered their food and drinks and they sit and watched the beginning credits.

"So what do you think of it so far?" Logan asks

"It's so cool honestly. I would come here all the time if I could" she says happily

Logan smiles and says "well I'm happy I could do this for you Louise"

Louise reclines her seat all the way back and puts the blanket over her and Logan does the same. Louise thinks to herself that she should really get one of these. Their food and drinks come right as the movie begins and they eat their food.

"Wow these are really good. I should make these at the restaurant" Louise chuckles

"Yea their food is really good. I will get this again when we come back here." Logan says

Louise covers her face with the blanket so he doesn't see her blushing from what he said. She thinks to herself, He already wants to go on a second date with me. As she thinks about this she feels herself start to get nervous and butterflies in her stomach.. and she doesn't like the way that feels... internally she starts freaking out.

Logan And Louise Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora