Chapter 2

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Logan's POV

"Another day of work I guess" Logan says as he drives to work at Fischoeders office.

After Logan graduated university with a Accounting major. He landed a pretty sweet job with Mr. Fischoeder as his financial accountant. He moved out of his parents house shortly after getting his first paycheck. Even though he gets paid well, the job was quite boring. Just numbers and numbers from 8am to 4pm. While he was lost in his thoughts a car cut him off at an intersection.

"What the fuck, watch where you're going I yelled out the window" I said furiously

All he saw from the other driver was a middle finger being stuck up at him. He also noticed a familiar very bright pink bunny hat coming from that same car.

"Ugh!, Who let that demon child have a drivers license. I'm surprised she hasn't killed anyone yet." Logan says reminded of how awful she was when they were younger. "She really was about to have some biker gang cut off my actual ears for those stupid bunny hat.

As Logan's trail of thought goes on. He starts to think about the belcher families restaurant.

"I wonder how the restaurant is doing, it's been ages since I even stepped foot near there. Last time I was there, my mom had blackmailed Bob with a plot at the community garden. In exchange I had to work at there along side Louise for the summer. That is until the deal was off and Louise got to fire me. It was kinda cute seeing her like that. Then I started coughing hard. Did I really just call that wild animal cute?? Ugh what am I thinking. As I thought some more in silence, I decided to grab a burger at the restaurant during my break and see if it's the same as I remember"

As he goes down memory lane his thoughts come to a holt as he pulls up to the buildings parking lot and gets out to start another day of work.

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