Chapter 11

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Louise and Logan sat at the table in silence. None of them could decide what to say after what they just did. All they could do was glance at each other every few seconds and smile. It wasn't until the pizza got there that Logan decided to say something..

"So Louise.." he said with a smirk

"Yea?" She said

"Do you remember that time it was snowing and me and my friends were playing snowball fight on the sliding hill? And you got upset that you got manitary- I mean Mandy and the rest of the girls sports team to come throw snowballs at us?"

Louise couldn't help but laugh at the memory of that cold day. It was the day she realized she might actually like Logan. At first she thought it was just her doing a good Christmas deed but after some thought, it was what it was. A crush.. one she never thought in a million years she would have on her would be arch enemy.

Louise shook her head and smiled "Oh my god, I can't believe you remember that."

"How could I not? Louise Belcher of all people, saved me, or as you puts it-
(Logan does finger quotation)
Gave me a head start."

Louise smiled harder this time. She literally tackled him onto her slid and they slid down the hill to get away from the girls players. She remembered how soft he felt and how he smelled of cologne. She liked it for that short period of time.

"The Christmas spirit help. I mean don't get me wrong but I still wanted to see you get demolished by snowballs since you tried to use me as a human shield but at least I let you live a little longer to see the fear on your face." She said laughing

Logan smiles, "Well Louise after that I was sore for a few days.. but I became a new man. I realized girls didn't like me the way I wanted them to. They thought I was annoying, a bully and I don't blame them. I was awful to everyone. So I tried being a better person to everyone. Especially Mandy and we talked, I apologized and she ended up forgiving me with the threat of hurling me with balls if I even so much looked at her wrong. I've changed for the better Louise and I hope you've seen that.
(He holds her hand)

"I have Logan and I'm proud of you for maturing the way you did. I'm sure everyone would be" Louise said

They ate the rest of the pizza. Logan paid his good friend papa pizza. And they went on their way to Louises house. Louise had to work the closing shift. And Logan decided to stay and help out a bit since he was free.

"Hey dad." Louise said. "I'm here so you can head up, I got the rest of the day."

Logan's says awkwardly "Hey Mr.B how are you?" Remembering the things he just did with Louise this morning

"Hey Louise, Logan. I thought you weren't feeling good this morning Louise?" He said with concern

"I'm fine now, No worries I can handle tonight." She says throwing on a apron.

"Alright Louise. I'll see you later tonight. Try not to kill Logan" Bob's says taking off his apron and heading out the door.

It was a slow Sunday. Not too many customers. It was pretty boring since no one really gets a burger on Sunday's. Everyone is off living there family life or Watching sports. So Louise and Logan just chilled and talked. Louise was throwing paper straw wrappers at Logan and pretending it wasn't her.

"Really Louise?" Logan's says with a chuckle while rubbing the back of his head

"What's wrong logie-bear?" Louise said in a mocking tone "is something wrong with the wittle baby?"

He narrowed his eyes at her and smirked "Baby, there is nothing little about me, you should know as a witness to it"

Louise just laughed and bit her lip. He definitely wasn't small. And he knew how to use it.

"Whatever logie-bear" she says blushing.

Hours passed, it was time to close the restaurant. Louise and Logan cleaned up a bit more, organized the menus then closed up shop. The pair hugged and said their goodbyes.
Logan kissed her on the cheek then said goodnight and that he will see her tomorrow during lunch. Louise smiled and told him she'd be waiting.
The two parted their own ways to go home. Louise noticed it was quite, her family was asleep. She tip toed up the stairs and took a shower then got into bed. He mind was racing though. She kept thinking about the last few months and She couldn't decide what this thing they had was? Was it serious? Should she be trying for something more? Could she be the women Logan wanted in his life? Then dread hit her. What if this was all a trick? The end goal was that he just wanted to have sex with her? He got what he wanted.. what if he didn't come bye tomorrow? She felt sick. She didn't want him to not come by.. she took a deep breathe and tried to go to sleep. After all she had school and she hoped Logan would text her at least a "Good morning". Guess she will find out in the morning.. she fell asleep not much later.

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