The Decisions Tin Make

Start from the beginning

"Thanks. You do what you need to do. I'm getting one of my people on Tul as we speak."


I actually didn't need to get anyone on Tul. That line was for just in case. I couldn't be sure if he was spying on me on the office. I actually already had a man on Tul. Greg was currently Tul's driver but he was also my inside man. Greg was the reason I was able to find and protect Tul's ex lover and the reason why Can had all of this information.

"Boss. I'm wiping everything clean. That includes your home office. I expect a flood of viruses once I bring everything down and I don't want there to be anything for it to attack."

"Ok. Do what you need to do. And Koda, what about that thing we managed to sneak in."

"Ae now has all the information I got from it." I were referring to the virus we had sent secretly through an email Tul had opened. It was created to be like an invisible document. Once Tul opened the email, it downloaded and settles there, copying and sending us all his emails, files and other correspondences. Its a ingenious virus that doesn't actually attack your software but simply spies on everything you do.

"Ok. I'll make contact if anything changes on my end."

"Same. Be careful."

I put down and make a few more calls, most just for show, then I pretend to pull myself together and get back to work.

My phone rings after a bit and I see it's Can. In the mix of everything I had actually managed to forget about him which is shocking since he is the reason for all this.

"Hey. Is he gone?" That's the first thing he asks me and I just exhale and throw caution to the wind. I don't need to be cold with him.

"Yes. I'm worried Can. Why are you calling me from your cell? Where are you?" I stand up and move to pace my office. I can't sit anymore.

"I had to collect Phu. He forgot his cell home so I couldn't reach him in time to cancel. We're heading home now. I took the back way you don't like and no one was there. I'm going back that way." I don't like the sound of this. Something is eating at my gut and it's telling me Can's not in a safe position right now. I start packing up my things as I speak. I need to go home.

"If they have something like a tracker on the car then you need to think of another option because they might be waiting there now." I stop pacing and think.

"Come back and meet me here." I decide quickly. I need him where I can see him and I'm not thinking clearly at the moment so I feel like anything can happen. Can's not a big thinker so I can't rely on him.

"But I'm already half way in."

"Can. I'm really worried." I'm following my gut and it's telling me he needs to come to me right now.

"Ok. Ok. I'll turn when I get a chance and come back. I'm going to pu_"

"No! Don't put down. Not until I know your close. Talk to me." I start pacing again because I can't help it. 

"Here Phu. Hold the phone and put it on speaker. Talk to your uncle Tin while I drive."

I hear this and I feel even more trepidation. Phu is with Can. Will Tul still make a move? I chat with my nephew as best as I can but I feel like I don't have a handle on things right now. I can't even keep track of what we're talking about.

"Ar'Tin. There are two cars blocking the road." Phu suddenly said. His voice was suddenly fearful. I suck in a breath and try for calm.  

"Can. See if you can reverse." 

The Man I Became... Because of You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now