Rivera Family

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A/N This takes place during 4x08 this is more of an Alivia episode for she can learn more about her family! She knows about Scott's death and she's saddened but he understands what she's going to do as is everyone else! Malia is doing the same thing with her family name! Anyway I hope you enjoy!


Alivia was now walking out of the hospital with stolen documents of her current family, former adoptive family, and her biological family. Melissa allowed her to take the documents since she knows the truth now.

Alivia isn't angry at her friends and family that kept it from her she's just disappointed. Making way to her car she unlocks her car door and puts the box into the back seat. She then makes her way to the driver side and is about to get in until she senses someone behind her.

Smelling a wolf behind her she turns around fast and hits them in the face. "Damn it Liv!" The person says holding their nose. She squints her eyes and sees that it's Brett. Her dark eyes turn to light as she rushes over to help him up. She smiles.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm paranoid today! I'm on a mission trying to keep it a secret from my brother and friends!" She rushes out as she lets go of his hand. "What's the mission?!" He asks rubbing his nose a little bit more. She shakes her head. "It's kinda personal." He laughs. "You Ned any help?"

He asks her and she smiles back. "No not really I don't really think I'll find anything anyway not much!" She says. "Well you can find much more with me!" He says as he makes his way to the passenger side of the car.

She face palms as he gets in the car and buckled up. Shaking her head once more she gets in the car and buckles up herself. "Why are you tagging along anyway?" She says looking at him. He smirks a bit before looking at her. "I want to get to know you better! Plus I'm suppose to be taking you out! Remember.... Every Captain needs a Co-Captain?!" He says staring into Alivia's eyes.

She blushes and chuckles. "Well I guess your really gonna know me after this!" She says as she drives away from the hospital.


Upstairs in Alivia's room Brett sits down on one end of her bed as Alivia sits in the other end with a box in between them. "So what's suppose to be in here?" Brett asks. "The truth... about where I came from, who I am, and if I'm really related to the females that I'm thinking of!" She says. He reads the side of the box. "Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital."

She opens the box and pulls out some files. There's a lot of paper work. Mostly from when Melissa adopted her and a few more from when Chris decided to adopt her. There's also two names that are familiar. Rivera being one that she just learned and one that she had for 8 years Prior.

"These are documents of the family's I'm apart of. I already seen the McCalls and Argents for that matter but I never thought of seeing my previous family's documents." She says looking through The Prior family documents as Brett looks through The Rivera family documents.

"What happened to the Prior's?" Brett asl cautiously as he stares at her. He sees that her jaw is locked and just stares down at the folder before looking at him. "They were killed.... my brother and sister were included with the package! We were so young when it happened. I was only eight years old. It happened right in front of me!"

"Wow! I'm so sorry! I should have known something bad had happened!" He says rushing out but she shakes her head. "You were bound to know the truth so it's fine." She says continuing to look through more files from the Priors. "May I ask mother personal question?" He says nervously. All she does is nod. "Where were you when it happened?" He asks.

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