Truth hurts

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A/N this chapter is at the end of the episode she had already taken the SAT just like Lydia did sooo she stayed home to rest and chill. Btw it's episode 7 Weaponized.

Alivia is just finishing up washing her dishes as she gets a phone call from her mother. She dries off her hands before picking up the phone and answering it. "Hello." She says into the phone. "Alivia I need you to listen! Scott and your friends are in trouble! You have to get to the school there's an assassin there who made them all sick! It's a poison to wolfs and the antidote is in the Hale vault! It's called reishi mushrooms it's a jar on one of the shelves! Stiles is there probably searching for it! Get to the school, find the vault, and save your friends." Her mother rushes out.

Alivia already in the car speeding down to the school. "Okay! I'm on my way there now! Do you know who the assassin is?" Alivia rushes out as she pulls into the school parking lot. "No! be careful." She sees the CDC and the whole police station there as well. She mumbles what the fuck under her breath. "What's wrong liv?" Her mother says worried.

"The CDC is here! I gotta go!" She hangs up before her mother says anything. She jumps out of her car and makes her way towards the entrance but is stopped by officers. "Let her in I know her!" She looks to see the sheriff. The officers let her go and she walks to Stilinski.

"I gotta get in there I need to find Stiles because I know how to save our friends. Get me in there!" She demands. "There ain't no way in there they have everything blocked off!" He says back looking around. Raf Scott's dad comes over.

"Melissa just called me whats going on?" He says. Alivia looks at him. "If you can get me inside I'll tell you! Just get me in!" All he does is nods. "I have an idea."


Alivia and Raf are both In hazmat suits walking down a hall Alivia is ignoring Raf's pleas of knowing what she knows. She's listening for Stiles and that's when she hears a threatening conversation.

"Locker room. Now!" She whispers to Raf her frowns but takes the lead.

"I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill you." The assassin says to Stiles as Alivia listens in. She lets out a low growl.

"Think you can scare me?" Stiles says. Alivia hears Stiles heart beat. He's scared. "No, I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting."

"Through coaches office quickly but quietly!" She whisper yells. "So... One... Two..." Then BANG Raf shoots the man in the head from behind. Stiles is in shock as he sees the body fall. He looks up and sees Raf.

"Where the hell did you come from?" He says. Then Alivia rushes over after stripping out the suit. "Liv the-" Alivia interrupts him. "The vault it's in the vault! The antidote it's called Reishi Mushrooms and it's in a jar on one of the shelves in there we gotta go!" Knowing exactly what she's talking about he grabs her arm and they take off for the vault.

In the basement the two rush to the vault.

"Hey, Scott? Scotty? In the vault, in there with you. It's called reishi mushrooms." Stiles says as both him and Alivia bang on the vault door.

"Scott? Scott, open the door! It's in there with you." Alivia says upset as s they continue to bang on the vault.

"It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves. Scott! Scott, can you hear me?" Stiles says as Alivia is now punching the vault as her hand breaks but can't get in. The two scream and fall against the door.

Alivia bears Kira from inside. "Reishi... Scott, I saw it. In a jar on one of the shelves." She says. She hears shuffling and things falling and then glass breaking. She hears erratic breathing and then it calms. "Scotty?" She says. Then the vault door opens and Stiles and her hop up.

Then Scott falls through and they both grab him. He looks at the both of them and they give him a small smile happy to see him.

Stiles get up and makes his way to Malia as Scott and liv walk over to Kira and help her up. Everyone looks over at Malia who says nothing to Stiles. She just stands up and walks past everyone staring straight ahead as she leaves them behind.

Stiles looks at Scott and Liv in tears and then he turns his head back to where Malia sat and sees the paper that has the Deadpool on it.

"Can I see it? I wanna know how much I'm worth!" She says looking at Stiles. "23 million! That's how much your worth." He says. "Well I want to see the rest of the list anyway. I never saw what it looked like before." She says as she walks towards Stiles and yanks the list out of his hand.

"Liv stop!" Scott says but Alivia looks at the list anyway. She looks through the list and sees a name with 23 million but recognizes it to not be hers. She continues to look through the list but there is no more 23 millions on the list just one.

Looking at the name makes her blood run cold. She looks at Stiles with anger in her eyes. "I'm related to that bitch! And you didn't have the fucking balls to tell me!" She yells. She turns to Scott. "You knew I always wanted to know my real name! And you kept it from me! You really are a terrible brother!" She says through gritted teeth. She then balls up the list and throws it at Stiles before walking out without saying a word.

Stiles unballs the list and stares at Livs real name in sadness.

Scarlett Rivera 23


Well Liv is no longer Liv it's Scarlett (Ri- V-Air-A)

What do you think? You like this chapter?

It's short sadly I'll try and make them longer.

Anyway peace

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