Red, Blue and Gold

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I skipped Episode one I got bored with it sooo I'm on Episode 2 of season 4 so let's get to it shall we.

Lydia and I stand as Scott and Stiles carry young Derek out of the Jeep. Lydia and I run into the animal clinic and Deaton is there waiting for us. We throw the things off the table to put Derek on. Deaton stares at Derek in awe.

Deaton: Wow.

Stiles: Wow? Wow as in, "I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do," kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for.

I give Stiles a look as to cut it out but all he does is give me a fake smile before looking back at Deaton.

Deaton: I think you might be overestimating my abilities.

Lydia: He's cold. Really cold.

I look to see that Lydia is hiking his hand so I walk from the counter I'm leaning on over to where she is and touch Derek's hand and he is really cold.

I giggle: Well Derek was always cold especially towards Stiles.

They just give me a look and I drop my smile and stand behind Lydia.

Scott: Do you think this is permanent?

Deaton gets a flashlight and lifts Derek's eyelids.

Deaton: I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience.

Stiles: So what do we do with him?

Deaton: Until he wakes up. Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here.

Stiles: You mean from Kate?

Deaton: If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate.

Lydia: Why would she want do this to him?

Deaton: Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her.

Stiles: And bad for everyone else.

I close my eyes for a little bit.

Deaton: You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night... And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again.

Scott: Someone should stay with you.

Alivia: I agree.

Lydia: I'll stay. My grades are fine...
Despite missing a few classes.

Stiles: I'm so not okay with this.

Lydia: Guys, go.

Stiles: No.

Scott: Text us if anything happens.

Stiles: Nope, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere.

I grab Stiles by his ear as we both follow Scott out and Stiles complains.

Stiles: All right, just 'cause you're stronger...

I push Stiles out the clinic and tell him to go home. I hop on my bike as Scott and Stiles get into the Jeep and I speed home when I get around towards my neighborhood I drive slow knowing Scott's Dad will be home.

I park and I turn off my bike and I open up the door and hear water dripping and then I see him Scott's dad on the couch. I smirk and run up the stairs like a cat. I jump into my bed once I get into my room and fall asleep not caring that I have my clothes and shoes on.

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