Chapter 20- The Unexpected Guess

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My phone shattered against the wall as I slouch in my seat frustrated and angered by what is going on. I've been trying to get a hold of Victoria the moment I heard about what had happened at Sugar Sweet, but mostly worried about her when I heard Macy died that night. I knew how much Macy cared for her as if she was her own daughter. What made me more upset was that my father might have a clue as to who might have done it but him being the bastard he is won't tell me anything. I tried using my own connections but they were useless. Not even one lead. I had one person in mind I could asked for help but he was transferred to California.

I released a depressed sigh because that was how I'm feeling at the moment. Depressed.

"Did your mother talked to you recently?" I groaned at the mention of my mother. 

"Now why did you have to remind me?" I whined out like a child while running my hand down my face. "I'm guessing she called you, trying to make you convince me to marry the girl?"

"Come on son. It can't be that bad?" I turned to glare at him as he poured himself another drink. I swear he's trying to pull my leg.

"Oh yeah. Can you actually imagine yourself being forced into marriage by your mother and her new husband to a woman you've never met before?"

"You've never met her before?" I shook my head no.

"You want to know the worst part?" He shrugged his shoulder uncaring, downing the cup of scotch. "This woman is supposedly  the daughter of her new husband."

I ignored the choked sounds coming from my father as I slouched over in my seat.

"What?!" He whizzed out. Sighing again, I got up and walked over to him, grabbing the bottle of scotch while he was in the process of pouring out some more. I turned the bottle to my head gulping down the harsh liquid in one go. I walked back to my chair to sit when I heard him sigh. 

"So they want you to marry the daughter? Wouldn't that be some form of incest?" My face scrunch up at such a thought. Come to think of it, I never thought of it in that way. I took another shot from the bottle and slump further down in the chair. I few moment passed when my father spoke again.

"She didn't actually tell me why she wants you to do it you know." 

I stayed quiet a bit before answering. "According to her. Her husband business is going bankrupted. Don't know how that is my problem but she wants me to marry this woman so that we could merge our business together.  How does that even makes sense?"

"She's your mother though." His statement made me lose it for a a moment.

"And the fuck is that suppose to mean? Where you even paying attention to any word said throughout this conversation? Wait.... Are you suggesting that I go through with this?" 

"I'm not saying that boy. And don't speak to me in that tone." He stated calmly. As if I give a shit how he wants to be spoken to. "I wasn't saying that. I'm just saying you should just help her out." I scuffed.

"Why don't you help her then? Or why don't they just borrow some funds or something from you?" I stared him down but didn't get an answer. I took another swing from the bottle, at this rate one could say I'm a bit tipsy. I took another sip and the liquid seem to went down the wrong pipe. I nearly died then and there and my father just sat there.

I cleared my throat before asking again my earlier question. "Just tell me who those men are will you."

My father slouch in his own seat. Showing a bit of depression over losing one of his most successful clubs. Psssh.

"As far as information goes, it's a small gang. There ware about I don't know. I don't think they are even from here. Another thing I don't know is why they killed so many people just to find one woman. No.... My biggest question is, who could she have pissed off so much to have caused this?"

I sighed. I just want to see her, just so I could know that she's ok. I kicked myself every time upon realizing that I don't know her address, even after all these times.

Victoria's P.O.V.

A few days have passed of me torturing myself with isolation. I enjoyed the self quarantine. I got a lot of times to think and try to clear my head. The only other problem that I had when staying by myself is that I keep getting dreams of someone watching me, sometimes even touching me. Maybe my little solitude is driving me into anxiety. Maybe I was being paranoid.

In those pass few days, I even came clean to Teresa and told her everything that happened between Marcello and me. From the time we met at the beach and he saw my boobs, even to the time we broke into that stupid toy store, then straight up to when we had sex. Even though most of those I already told her about, I just needed to vent.

During that time though I was relieved and happy to see Van when he showed up two days ago. I still feel like I was dreaming, with each day that have past I felt a little better but with each day that have pass I also felt guilt.

Though he's been acting strange, like asking me constantly if I was 'OK' or "Is there anything that I have to tell him' whenever he would ask me that I get paranoid and anxious as if he know something but whenever I ask him why he's asking me that so often he would say 'Nothing' or 'maybe because I'm hardly around these days' and I would smiled at how adorable his concern was even though he scared me a bit. Not only that, he would also cook for me (not that that's new) and constantly around me a lot, like not once leaving my side. Even this morning I had to tell him that I can use the bathroom on my own.

We planned on going to the pool today, seen as we've never once go there. He told me I could invite Teresa. I could see in his eyes that he didn't want me to but I did anyways. Teresa came not too long ago and we decided to make some sandwiches. In the meanwhile, Van was in our room making some calls. 

Teresa was about to say something when someone knocked the door. I was a bit confused because no one was expecting any visitors and normally if there was a delivery we would have received information over the intercom. I dust my hands in my shorts and head to the front door. Maybe one of Van's bodyguard.

I slowly opened the front door and my brows creased a bit with confusion. There she stood, a woman with a wide smile on her face but as soon as she saw me her smile instantly disappeared from her lips and turned into a frown. She has long brunette hair, her face is a bit chubby, big grey dough eyes, over all she was quite a cutie; a eye catching woman. I felt her eyed me from head to toe, as if scrutinizing me.

"Who the fuck are you?" Her voice was thick with her foreign accent but that was not the problem, I was taken aback by her attitude. I took a small step back with my hands to my chest. How can such foul words leave the mouth of such a cute creature?

Wait..... Was she speaking to me though? Is she trying to get killed or something?

"Are you the maid? Good, get Van." She spoke to me as if I'm a dog sent to retrieve a stick. I gasped, struggling to hold the beast within me at bay.

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. I think the correct way to ask this question is- Who the fuck is you?" At that moment I heard Van voice asking who's at the door. That was when she smirk.

"I'm the woman who his carrying Van's child."

Just then did I noticed the small bump in front of her.

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