Chapter 14- A Proposition

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"He's coming this way."


"Distract him." Was all I said before I dash towards Don Donati's office. And let me remind you I was doing all this sexy ass running in heels.

The sound of my heels click-clacked in the hard tiled floor because of how brisk my legs was moving. I rounded a corner and ran up a few stairs nearly falling in the process. As I head towards Don's office I took a quick glance behind me to see if Van was anywhere near to where I was and prayed that Macy was doing a good job of distracting him.

I ignore the weird looks that was thrown my way through the dimly lit hall. Even those pathetic polecat dared to glare my way but I could see the clear confusion and curiosity on both there faces, so me being me, quickly threw them the middle finger and rounded another corner.

But damn. I cannot recall the office being this far. Soon, a thick black door came into view along with two huge bulky dudes standing guard. They both looked like twins with their bald heads, dark shades, a wire over there ears and matching black suits.

Fucking tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb. Are they even seeing through those glasses?

Sensing my presence they both looked at me.

"Sup." I called out nervously swallowing the lump in my throat. Instead of an answer they continued to stare.

"Okaayyy. Well I'm here to see boss man." I informed awkwardly. Without waiting for a reply I'm sure I wouldn't be getting, I raised my hand and knocked twice on the hard wood.

A gruff 'come in' was heard behind the door and I carefully turned the knob and stepped in.
Don was sitting around his desk, his face buried in a tattered black file. His office didn't look much different from back then with a window behind his desk a few couches to the corner and a mini bar to my left. Not wasting a moment I stepped further insides the bright spacious room only for the door to slam shut behind me. I jumped frightened by the way the door slammed and glance to see Marcello standing there in all his thick handsome masculinity, his left hand still resting on the now closed door. His calculating grey eyes staring back at me in wonder.

Well there goes my plan of staying far away from these two.

I turned back my attention towards Don but the feeling of Marcello burning gaze drilling a hole in my head sent a shiver down spine.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, resting my weight on my right leg with my arms fold.

"Sit." He still had his head buried in his file. I hope his head magically gets stuck there. I gripe but sat in the expensive looking black couch that was in front of him. The resemblance between him a Marcello was undeniable similar. They both have shaggy dark brown hair, strong muscular jawline, grey eyes and a very broad thick chest. The only difference is that one is older with a few greys here and there.

Marcello dragged his fine ass from the door and sat right next to me. The scent of his expensive cologne fill my nostril and the scent of it strangely calmed me.

Don placed the file down and stared at me. Evaluating me, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"I'm assuming you know why you're here."

"Well captain, unfortunately I don't."

He leaned back into his chair and hummed a response. The room fell silent not a soul uttering a word. The only thing you can hear are our breathing and the faint music that blast in the background.

Don released a tired sigh. "I summoned you here because of what happened last night." I internally groaned in annoyance. Did he just say summoned?

"The fuck is this? Games of Thrones?"
Marcello's chuckling notified me that I said that out loud. My eyes widened and I looked towards Don to see on unamused look on his face.

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