thank you

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Thank you, Name 3
For teaching me what it feels like to love.
For, unknowingly, letting me feel that feeling of free,
For letting me be me, feel like me, and be comfortable as me
And knowing that you won't care
Because we were friends.
Of course,
I wished we could be more.

Thank you, Name 4,
For teaching me what it does NOT feel like to love.
For, unknowingly, teaching me that not every boy is a crush.
For not scooting any closer,
Or talking to me all too much
Or being reluctant to get that ugly haircut.
And thank you, Name 4,
For walking me to the bus that one afternoon.
I appreciated it.

Thank you, Name 2,
For opening up the world of opportunity to me.
And her.
For, unknowingly, teaching me about different people.
And her.
For helping me realize for the first time,
that not every possible outcome will be the outcome.
And, god thank you, Name 2
For the look on your face when I finally told you.

Thank you, Name 1,
For teaching me how to use my head.
For, unknowingly, teaching me how to stand up for myself.
For driving me to think things through and follow through with them.
And thank you, Name 1,
For taking it lightly,
And still taking to me as if it never happened.

And last but not least,
Thank you, Name 5.
For being my inevitable source of uplift and downfall every day.
For being cute.
For being an absolute asshole,
yet somehow still loveable.
For that one smile in the hallway
And those couple on the first day of autumn.
But no thanks,
Name 5.

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