Could I Like Her?

Start from the beginning

Instead of grabbing my clothes which were nicely laid out in her hand, I grabbed her wrist and yanked her into the bathroom, making her stumble and gasp while colliding with me. 

"You can't get away with that. You're stuck now." I shrugged while grabbing another towel, a smaller one, and beginning to dry the back of my neck. 

"Are you not gonna dry your hair?" she questioned while her nose scrunched up as I shook my head, splashing drops of water everywhere like a wet dog. "Stop it!" she demanded while snatching the towel from me and shoving me, having me take a step back. 

She propped herself up on the counter and grabbed my wrists, having me stand between her legs as she placed the towel on my head and began ruffling my hair, drying it swiftly. "You're welcome, Parker." She smiled innocently before hopping off. "Can I leave now?" She looked at me hopefully. I just shook my head in response, biting back a laugh. "Come on, I dried your hair for you." She gestured to my now dry hair. 

"You also made fun of my pizza boxers. Which is very offensive may I add." I spoke exaggeratedly while throwing some lotion onto my face and arms. 

Before she could blabber on any further, I grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face the door before opening it and letting her out. 

"Thank you!" she screamed from the other side while I laughed and got dressed.

I opened the door, expecting to see her on my bed but nope. 

She was leaning against the door which meant she stumbled right back, pretty much falling right onto me. "Trust fall?" She looked at me with confusion in her eyes while a smile played on her lips. 

I laughed while shaking my head before having her stand back up. "You're a weird one, Carthy," I chuckled as we made our way to my bed. I lied down, resting my back against the headboard while she lied down, flat on her stomach propping her elbows up, resting her chin in her hand. 

"Let's do something," she whined out of boredom. 

"Good old twenty questions?" I suggested while grabbing my phone to google some questions. She agreed and pulled hers out too. I started the game by asking the first question. "Are you a dog person or a cat person?" I questioned, starting nice and easy. She better say a dog person. 

"Dog person. For sure." She nodded. "Cats just scratch you." Her nose scrunched up adorably. "If you had a warning sign, what would it say?" She looked up at me. 

"Warning: I can make you fall in love," I smirked while she rolled her eyes at me, making me chuckle. "Is there anything that I would be surprised to find in your bedroom?" I questioned. 

"An aluminum baseball bat? Safety first. What was your first impression of me?" She scrolled on her screen a little before looking back up at me and asking. 

"Beautiful, amusing, funny, and kind." I smiled at her, telling her the truth. I didn't miss the blush she had. "What do you like about yourself the most?" I asked as she scooted higher up on the bed, causing her shirt to ride up a bit. 

"I like my eyes? And I think I'm funny so my sense of humor," she answered before fixing her shirt. "What is one thing both of us have in common?" she asked while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

"We both love to read and we're both single." I winked making her roll her eyes but smile right after. "Which fictional character do you want to live as?" I raised my eyebrows at her. 

She thought about it for a moment, "Rapunzel, she's cool, I think she has a fun life." She shrugged casually. "Moment of truth Parker, how often do you lie?" Her eyes narrowed down to slits. 

"Not that often. I joke around but I don't lie seriously. Do you think I'm attractive?" I smirked at her teasingly. 

"That's your question?" She raised her eyebrows at me while I nodded. She stuffed her face into my bed, letting out a groan followed by a laugh. "Yes, Parker. I do." She nodded before looking back up at me. "If life was a book, what would its title be?" She smoothly changed the topic. 

"Undecided. Would you ever consider going out with me?" I answered quickly. 

She gave me a pointed look. 

"It's the website." I laughed, lying straight through the skin of my teeth. 

"Maybe someday. Could you develop feelings for me?" she shot back. "It's the website," she spoke mockingly. 

I laughed and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly before responding. 

Could I like her?

"Someday soon." 






Someday soon...

Someday soon

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