Finch: Part 2

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I must be smiling like a complete idiot because Claya snaps her fingers in front of my face, whistling, "Yoo-hoo. Hello? Earth to Novalynn. Stop making googly eyes at your phone."

I blink, bringing my gaze to hers. Her brilliant blue eyes bore into mine, one of her brows lifting as a knowing smirk plasters itself across her lips. Her arms are once again crossed firmly over her chest, her posture sporting a hint of confidence. She hasn't said another word and I already know what she's about to say. The all too familiar expression on her face says it before she has a chance.

"Yes," I say, holding my cellular device to my chest.

She laughs, "I didn't say anything."

"Well, before you have a chance to ask, yes. I'm talking to Liz," I reply confidently.

"Oh, yeah. Because that's hard to tell."

I open my mouth to defend myself but shut it immediately. There is no argument to be made. Even though I can't see my face, I know it's blatantly obvious that seeing Liz's message made me light up. After all, she has that effect on me. She's always had that effect on me. From the moment I met her to even now, she has that power over me.

"You turn all mushy, gushy whenever she texts you," Claya continues, stirring her tea with her straw. "It's so cute and adorbs. To see my little Queen all lovey-dovey is like a pat on the back."

I lift a brow in curiosity. "A pat on the back for you? How's that?"

Now it's my turn to fold my arms over my chest. I sit and watch as she takes a sip of her drink, her blonde locks bouncing in their short curls at the sides of her face. Her eyes remain trained onto mine before she inhales.

"Hello," she sings, "it was because of me you two actually sat down and chatted. Remember? I know you were there because I sure as hell was."

It takes a moment, but it clicks. She's right. On that day—the day where Liz and I began this journey—she had been there. It was her food that Liz ended up taking and it was her seat that Liz slid into. It was because of Claya leaving that forced Liz and I to converse. It's funny that I could forget such a crucial detail.

Because of Claya, Liz and I are together.

"Wow. I'm such an idiot," I chuckle half-heartedly, shaking my head. "How could I forget that? I totally let it slip."

"Eh, no worries," she shrugs, the expression of victory masking her features. "I'll forgive you this one time since you have prego brain."

I roll my eyes. "Geeze. Thanks."

"You're very welcome," she beams. "So, what did our little Queen's wifey have to say? Is she flooding your phone with erotic poetry?"

My mouth drops open as I laugh, "Perv! And no! Oh, my God. You're such a pervert! You need to get laid or somethin'." I compose myself, taking a sip of water before clearing my throat. "But to answer your question, she was telling me that she'll be here soon."

"Should we have waited?"

I shake my head. "No. Today was bestie day. Besides, she was with her buddy from university."

"Oh, that guy she hung out with all the time?"

"Zach? Yeah...why?"

Claya takes a swig of her tea, her eyes averting elsewhere as her thoughts begin to run. I can tell she doesn't want me to decode what she's thinking, but it's too late. I know Claya. I know Claya very well.

"No," I warn, pointing my index finger at her. "Bad Claya. No."

"What?" she defends, laughter tugging at her tone. "He's cute and you told me I need to get laid."

"Well, do it the old fashion way. Meet a stranger at a bar and have drunken sex in a grungy motel, then regret it in the morning like everyone else," I instruct jokingly.

We both begin to laugh for what feels like the millionth time. It's strange. I'm suddenly teleported to five years ago. Five years ago, I was just a college freshman beginning my journey in life. I was freshly out of the closet and still navigating the single water. Claya was the only person I knew and my crush on Liz had just taken shape. It's crazy how different things were back then and here I am now. Happily, committed to Elizabeth Kang, pregnant with our first child, living in our own home, and just going at life one day at a time.

Compared to how things were five years ago, I've come so far. It's all progressed and now I'm living my best life. I'm living my best life surrounded by great people. I might not have everything I want, but I have everything I need.

"Eww," Claya laughs. "No, thank you. I'll still with swiping."

"Yeah, 'cause that's so much better," I cackle. "If you were a long-term kinda gal I'd cheer you on with Zach, though."

She waves her hand dismissively and shrugs, "Eh, ain't no big thing. He's cute, but not entirely my type. He's too...too...what's the word?"

"Too much not like a juice head gorilla?" I finish.

She snaps her fingers. "Yup! I like my men meaty and buff."

"I'm good. In these sage words, I say, you do you, boo-boo."


We return to aimlessly chatting about minuscule things when something catches my eye. I glance up to see a slender built woman making her way to our table. She is dressed in a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black and red flannel that she keeps unbuttoned. The sleeves are drawn up, revealing her many tattoos, her short faux hawk styled neatly. She moves swiftly, taking long strides, her dark stare locked on me as she flashes a warm smile. I smile back.

It's Liz.

"Hello, ladies. Mind if I crash the party?" she asks, stopping before our table.

"Lizzie bee!" Claya beams. "Not at all!"

I slide closer to the wall as Liz claims the seat next to me. Her body heat pulsates against me through our clothes. Even after all these years, chills still dart the length of my spine whenever she's near. However, what truly causes my heart to skip a beat is when she rests her hand on my thigh attracting my attention. My gaze collides with hers, making me melt. Her eyes are so vast and wide, reminding me of the night sky.

So beautiful.

"God, you two are so fucking adorbs," Claya gushes.

I tear my stare from Liz and bring it to Claya. She is sitting across from us, supporting the weight of her head with her hands, flashing a goofy smile.

She continues, "Ugh. All this lovey-dovey stuff makes me want to meet my nephew all that much more! Noah, hurry up so aunt Claya can pinch your cheeks already!"

Both Liz and I laugh when Liz places her hand on my swollen abdomen, smiling, "I agree. We're all ready to meet you, buddy."

At that, he moves.

© 2019 K.N. Herzner

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