Addiction To Death

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Vishnu - narrator

Its fine. The head ache. As long as I don't open my eyes. As long as I shut down the reality.. As long as I don't wake up. As long as am asleep.. Once I wake up. There it is. The constant pain in my head. Like a voice telling me that I don't belong here., here in the reality.. Voice reminding that I hate everyone and everything. A voice that never silences . Voice of my soul..

The night's dark and am surrounded by smoke. Its raining outside, yet cigarettes keep me warm. Never experienced Boredom coz am cursed with non stop thoughts. The light's at the hall is blinking non stop for 2 nights - there must be some problem with the choke of tube light and I realized that there's a war going on, a war that's been going on from the begining of time, from the moment everything came into existence - the war between light and dark, a war that's not been noticed by anyone though its obvious. War between day and night fighting to rule the earth, they settled on one after one rule - day after night after day and they each take turns one after other, everyone ignored this war, but I can't - its happening right in front of me . The blinking of light stopped, the damage of the choke is severe, the high voltage took the life of the light producing capacity of the tube - light had been fighting for its life for the past 2 nights, now its dead, going into rest forever. The darkness won, the light loses, yet the war will continue in many forms. The light and dark will fight till the end of time. And that's when she entered my home. I can feel her presence, her scent - I don't have to turn back to confirm her existence. I know its her for sure, after working with her in the field for more than a decade, its not that hard to sense her- she's brahma.

"and this is how u surprise me?, sneaking into my home when am alone without any notice like dead in the dark.. "
"you are always alone, atleast for the past 2 years. How's retirement treating you? " she said.
"feels good without the role of uncertainty. Everything happens as exactly how I expect it to be. ..... except. .."
"except I showed up, which is quite unexpected" she completed my statement. I know something's wrong. I was left alone, not disturbed for 2 years and now she showed up now.
" The reason am here is coz some one bite the apple." she said
"apple of wisdom?" I asked her.
She - " yes, something had happened - a miracle . And it's turning the science field in ways that no one could possibly imagine, Einstein would have been proud. I don't think any agent who's currently on field is ready to even test ride it. Coz the qualification required to use this technology needs the guts to face death. "
" don't use the D-word to me. Ever again. It's deeply disturbing " as I say this, she takes a gun and a watch from her bag, places it in table. Both coated with matt black metal surface. The watch is 1 month late, shows 11.00 pm, may, 2040 and the time is constant. Its not moving forward. A watch that's in a workimg condition.
"wow, ofcourse Einstein would be proud. It's a gun and a watch not in working condition . Who would have thought this. Are they connected. Am I supposed to operate the gun by this watch or the opposite. How does it work??"
She - "the watch is not supposed to be used to know the time and the gun is not supposed to be used on enemies. They are not connected" she takes out her tab, executes a program. And mind chip at my back portion of neck emitted a sound. Every agent has to be embedded with a mind chip before joining the field - its a standard rule in the agency that I've worked for. Trinity (military and weapons department)
She - "you haven't removed the mind chip even after 2 years of your retirement. So deep down you know that this day will come, where you'll work again . I have upgraded your chip to a special program. One of its kind. Now all you have to do is adjust the date and time in your watch to any past like 2 or 3 days ago, kill yourself with that gun, straight to your head. You'll die in this timeline, wake up in your past self's body with your current consciousness at the past time you've given as input in your watch exactly . That's how you'll end up in a new timeline"
"oh, timetravel!!!. So, you are still that same crazy women I met 15 years ago. Maybe I should use this equipments to travel back in time, set you up with a handsome man, make you two fall in love, get married and make beautifully babies. Then you wouldn't have done any crazy experiments like this. One small doubt though - if I go back in time and stop you from making this timetravel device, then timetravel would have not existed, and I would have not gone back to past. Which won't stop you from making this experiment. Fuck - the paradox intervenes again. Have u solved the equation of paradox?? "
She - "you can't travel beyond January , 2040. Which is exactly 6 months ago from now. So, you can't stop me from inventing timetravel, and once you go back, you create a new timeline, a new one. So, no chance for paradox. The gun is specially made for suicide. The bullet is front blade sharp, intended to land directly on your brain piercing your skull open in second, without any delay which will cause internal bleeding that'll flood your head entirely which can be detected by your mind chip, and sends your current consciousness state to your past self along with all your memory. The little update I made in your mind chip , its connected with your watch now. The watch is connected with the main server on my lab - the source of this technology. " she gave the explanation of its working which still confuses me a lot.
"still, no. All I ever asked is peace. So, get out and leave me alone. "
And she takes the gun and shot me in the head. I Woke up a month ago in my bed, in my past self's body making out with a stranger girl whom I picked up on the street, we're naked, my dick's hard along with the pain of my death. Crazy bitch, she did it. She killed me and am still alive, yet I suffer with the pain of death. She never mentioned this part where I experience the pain of Death.. It feels like a sharp object piercing my skull open, I can still hear the gunshot. It's the only thing I hear . Last thing I heard. My visions shut down, and body control of my mind went offline. And now, I got it all back - the visions, the body control, my life, yet the pain's still there in a layer below my mind. I guess, it was always there. I screamed with the pain. And she got scared, dressed up and ran away. The first thing I changed in this timeline is scared a girl while having sex.. Why would brahma fix this particular timing and date?

I marched straight to the office headquarters of trinity in the middle of night. After 18 months, stepping into a place where I swore to never return. A new receptionist lady stopped me for questioning my entry. She gets the call "OK ma'am. In a second" after responding to the call, she turned to face me "sorry for the inconvenience - you may proceed now. They're waiting for you in the 13th floor."

As I entered the room, brahma pointed to me and said "and here's the proof that this project is a success"
"fuck you and your project" I screamed at her , everyone made a face.
"come with me now". She took me to the rooftop, under the night sky and says "you can go back to your hole, live out the rest of your life like rat in darkness, with no connection to the rest of the world. You got the opportunity to make a change in this world. You can prevent crime from not happening. You can save people's life. And also, the constant head ache you used to have, is it still there? " that's when I noticed the absence of my head ache, feels like my 2 year companion died.
" no, coz the head ache is the call of death, urging you to harm yourself. Now you have experienced the death, the call became silent. And it'll appear again after some time . The truth is you are addicted to death. The soon you realize it, the soon you'll be able to make peace with yourself "
And now she's speaking my language. And everything she said made sense.
" what do you want? "
Brahma - " am assigning you a task - something that involves a secret conspiracy, a cult, illuminati , ghost spirits, a culture of assassins, a lost land. Are you interested???"

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