Chapter XXX: Pirate King

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It was relieving to learn among Ville's plethora of abilities, he could open portals anywhere on the continent. Unfortunately, he was limited by large bodies of water. It had to do with the way water can hold and store large amounts of supernatural energy. To be honest, I tuned out during the explanation because he began using some complex demon lord terminology that I didn't understand. The point was, even though we don't have to spend weeks traveling all the way to the coast, we still had to bunk up with the pirates.

The port was what you'd expect. Many small shops and sinful clubs and inns lined the boardwalk. There were a myriad of street performers, from musicians to jugglers and con men. It smelled of salt and bourbon. The majority of ships docked in harbor flew the same flag, telling me what an empire this pirate king runs. Off in a small cove in the distance, we spotted the colors of Avatar Country. Johannes confirmed a troop of Avatar citizens had laid roots here and begun building ships, along with an outpost.

While I'm sure he would've loved to have checked in on their progress, he acknowledged we didn't have time to waste. Perhaps we'll do so upon our return. You know, if we make it back alive from confronting one of the most dangerous men in the world. There's this part of me, deep down, that wants to turn to Ricky and tell him to stay here. We can handle this without him, we don't have to put him in harm's way like this. I know he'd get angry at me for insinuating he's not up to the task, just as I know standing up to Manson will be one of the most difficult things he'll ever do in his life.

I want so desperately to protect him from the one who abused him, but he's not like Yuki. He's not just my little toy. Ricky is a leader, a caretaker, a man of character. He's managed to attend meetings alongside Manson in the past. Somehow, though, I can feel it in my chest that this will be different. If he makes it through this, I'll be there to congratulate him, and if he breaks down, I'll be there to wipe his tears.

The boardwalk seemed to end in the side of a mountain. Upon closer inspection, there was a cloaked entrance along the stone closely guarded by pirates. They recognized Johannes' uniform and allowed us through. On the other side, there was a massive cove structured with wooden walkways. Ships far fancier than what we'd seen in the ports were stationed along the docks. Higher in the rocks, I could see caves that looked to be populated.

It was remarkable, but easily overwhelming for some. Twiggy's little hands tugged at my cloak as he hid behind me. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention he's taken some kind of liking to me. He imprinted to me like a duckling to its mother. Apparently he really liked the cheesecake I made him. It must be rare someone does something nice for him. Ricky also mentioned something about me resembling Manson in his younger days. I kind of wanted to act like he didn't say that, all things considered. You were sexually attracted to and later fell for a guy who resembles your attempted murderer? Not disturbing at all.

Johannes stopped before a ship with a beautiful mermaid carved into the hull. He whistled a short little song. Some kind of password or call, I'm guessing. A minute later, a disheveled gentleman popped his head over the edge to greet us. He had messy brown hair and a hat that both looked like they'd been through ten windstorms. A ribbon tied around his neck, and his silk shirt had a few slashes in it.

"Hello, new friend!" He beamed with a smile, "To what do we owe this visit?"

"We've come to ask a favor! May I speak with your older brother?" Johannes replied, chipper as ever.

"Of course! Come aboard! He's in the captain's quarters." He said.

Johannes thanked him, skipping off to the ramp. Maybe it's just me, but if someone I barely knew showed up with three rather cryptic looking beings, I'd be somewhat apprehensive. What I am saying? I'm trying to reason out pirate logic!

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