Chapter II: Stillness

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Despite the winter cold, this garden never froze, enchanted to be a perfect spring day and warm summer night. Two days had passed without incident. There was commotion earlier. From the sounds of it, Ville had returned home, but I have yet to see him. I'm perfectly content biding my time with a book until he has a free moment. He surely had far more important things to tend to, whether that be whatever had pulled him away in the first place or the side effects of his leaving.

The night sky was oddly clear tonight, the snow ceases it's endless fall for once, and the garden was utterly silent. The daytime animals slept soundlessly with barely a scutter out of the nocturnals. Even Romeo, who practically lived here, had been called away soon after his father returned. Moony's sisters visited with me, one even snuggling up to my feet for some time while I read. She left suddenly when Ville arrived, as if she knew to give us our privacy. I set aside my book as he took a seat beside me.

Ville rested his weight into the arm of the bench, eyes downcast and lethargic. "Thank you for heeding my request. It was a bigger help than you may ever know." He said, "I apologize. I won't be able to provide you with a portal home. I haven't the energy."

"It's alright. I actually enjoy flying. You know, now that my bat form doesn't put me in agonizing pain. Are you sure you want me to leave so soon? Ricky can manage everything on his own just fine, if you need me to stay longer."

"That's very generous of you. But, no, I'll be alright. It'll be good for me to return to routines." Ville cleared his throat as he continued, "I had to bring my son's body home."

"Ville..." I felt breathless. "I- I'm so sorry."

He was silent a moment to restrain his tears. They slowly and silently broke free from his lashes as he attempted to piece together the words. "I've lost children before. The great curse of immortality. I know you know it well... But this," He swallowed, "I've never lost a child to the hand of another."

"Do you know who's responsible?"

He replied, "I do. I wish that I didn't. I'm well familiar with this man's reputation, with what he does to his victims. He's damn lucky I care more about healing my family than petty revenge."

"Well, I've never been above petty shit, so if you want to point me in the right direction."

Ville forced a small smile. He placed his hand upon my shoulder as he stood up. "Thank you, my friend, but I believe karma is a far stronger force than either of us."

I rose to my feet and met his eyes. "Please, don't hesitate to ask Ricky and I for anything else. We're more than happy to help. Just, if you send Asher next time, put a bell on him or something."

He was terribly tired, fraught with an unimaginable grief and immeasurable burdens. How he continues on with such pain, I'll never know. We were both prepared to say our goodbyes when our attention was pulled in another direction. A women, as beautiful as she was ferocious, came stomping into the garden with Shelley struggling to chase after her. This woman has a good six inches on her without the heels—Her short ass didn't stand a chance.

"I want his name! The poor excuse for life who did this!" She demanded. Her accent—one I could closest compare to an Israeli accent on Earth—added a sharpness to her voice that further intensified her strength. When Ville opened his mouth to speak, she cut him off immediately. "No. Don't you dare give me a lecture. I don't care."

"I wasn't going to lecture you." Ville took her hands in his ever so lovingly. "If you wish to avenge your brother, then I will not stop you, but please, stay here just a little while longer. I need you here with me."

She jerked her hands back. "Well, maybe it isn't what I need. Vernilla doesn't want me anymore, she kicked me out! And now my baby brother is dead! I don't want to sit around this damn place playing house, I want to run my knife through that bastard!"

He was taken aback. "Aziza, my love. I didn't know about Vernilla. I'm so sorry." Ville reached out to her only for her to turn away. She had been crying before she'd come to him, and it appears the dam was reopening. Shelley attempted to reach out as well, softly addressing her by her name. Aziza only disregarded her before leaving the garden in the same fit of rage she'd arrived in.

"I'm sorry. I tried to stop her." Shelley told her father apologetically.

Ville answered, "She has every right to be angry. I'm sorry you had to see that, Chris. She really is a wonderful woman. She's just grieving."

"Don't apologize," I replied, "And don't worry about me. Go."  Ville offered me his gratitude one last time before disappearing into the palace.

"Are you going home?" Shelley asked. "Since my dad's back, I figured you would be."

I sighed, "For now. Please, contact me if you need anything. I'm worried about him."

"Yeah." Her head fell. "I am too."

Sometimes, I feel this nauseating guilt when I offer sympathies to strangers. There's a terrible hypocrisy in a feral killer kindly embracing a young girl. Shelley must've gotten her looks from her mother because she looked nothing like Ville, and she strongly lacked her father's thorns. She may be Ville's daughter, may have his compassion in abundance, but she still felt like a stranger to me. I placed my trust in that compassion which had cradled me many times before and told her to take good care of her father.

Ricky had drifted off on the couch beside our glass coffin. He groaned as he slowly woke up, no concern or alertness as he knew the presence in his midst was mine. "Was the bed too cold without me?" I teased him as I sat down.

He laid back down, head and arms draped over my lap. With a sleepy smile, he replied, "I had a feeling you'd be back tonight. I tried to stay up, but you took too long."

"I'm sorry, my love. There was a lot on my mind on the way home." I confessed.

Ricky looked up at me, seemingly more awake now. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "Don't worry, Rune's fine. But Ville's not. His son was taken from him. Killed."

Shock washed over his face. Perhaps a touch of terror behind those crystal blue eyes. I understood; the potential implications of such an action being taken against Ville's blood aren't good. Ricky sat up, turned his body to face mine. "Which one?"

"He didn't say, but based on what I saw and heard, I'm almost certain it was Sajan. I don't imagine Aziza would've been so distraught over a half-brother."

"...You met Aziza?"

I shrugged, "Kind of. She stormed in on Ville and I's conversation but she acted like I wasn't even there. She has quite the presence."

"You have no idea." He deadpanned. The drawl in his eyes was the same I'd see when he'd get fed up with me. He's cute when he's annoyed.

I managed a small chuckle. "I imagine Ville's the only one who could actually speak to her so candidly. He knows who killed his son, but he dodged telling her. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he's better than revenge."

"No, he isn't. Especially not when it comes to his family. There's a reason he's doing it this way. I know it's not our place to get involved, but we should at least keep a close eye on it."

"I agree. Whatever happened, there's someone out there who wasn't afraid of fucking with one of the most powerful demon lords on the planet, and that concerns me. It got me thinking... I only became a demon lord to save you. I didn't think I'd ever actually use this power, but maybe I should start learning how to use it. I don't want anything to happen to our family."

His smile was as beautiful and real as the moon that gifted me these abilities. Ricky leaned in, kissed me so lovingly, and reminded me that he'd always be here to protect us. However, he agreed that it was foolish of me to let this power lie dormant when we live in such a turbulent time. For as remarkable as this world was, it was terribly vicious, and we'd placed ourselves on a pedestal that many wished to conquer. People who have no reason to spite you will find a reason. That I've learned well.

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