Get him back: Part two

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'But what if he knows you have a fake ID, you need to be there for Sammy and if he takes you away...' Dean curses the universe under his breath. This was the worst luck ever. 

"God freaking dammit." Dean steels himself, gripping the steering wheel tighter as he keeps his foot on the accelerator. He was well aware that now all it took was one mistake and he could quite possibly end up dead on the road. 

The cop followed, the flashing lights sending dread through Dean's heart as they raced down the long, empty open road. He was in so much trouble if he was caught. What the heck was he even doing? How had his life gotten so damn crazy?

Gritting his teeth, Dean focuses his thoughts on Sammy. The poor kid was probably so terrified, and he wanted to murder whoever had taken him. No one touched Sammy, he vowed he would get back at them for this. 

Out of the blue, another car comes flying past. The tinted windows prevented Dean from seeing the driver, but whoever it was, they were on his side because next his knew, the window rolls down a crack, enough to let the driver aim a gun outside and start shooting at the police officer. 

Dean slows down considerably, mostly from the shock of this... odd turn of events, what the heck?

The police officer, obviously deciding a manic, speeding gunman was of more of a threat than some teen in an old car breaking the speed limit, peels away and overtakes Dean. The gunman and the police car speed off, leaving a stunned Dean staring after them.

"What the frick?" Dean blinks. Seriously, what the heck was that?

Shaking it off, he speeds up again, keeping a careful eye out for any building that could be the old farmhouse Bobby had mentioned. Sure enough, it wasn't long until he saw one in the distance, down an old dusty side road. 

It looked like the kind of place serial killers lived. 

Dust swirls up around the Impala as he speeds down the dirt road, he hated to think how dusty and gross she was gonna be after this. Although as long as Sammy was okay, that was all that matters. 

Dean was so intent on reaching the rundown house, he doesn't pay any thought to the speed he was going at as he took the tight gravel covered corner into the driveway. For a moment everything was okay, then the wheels lost traction as they skidded out over the loose ground. The wheel jerks in his hands as the Impala leaves the road. 

His heart freezes, his stomach dropping as it caught a rock and flipped. "Shi-" His words are cut off as his head slams against the drivers door window. He was briefly aware of the feeling of being upside down as the ground appears in front of him, but time speeds up and he's being thrown across the front of the car like a rag doll. So this was why people wore seat belts... 

Finally, everything was still once more. Everything hurt and Dean could barely think straight as he lay still, still processing what had happened. The car was making a strange ticking noise, accompanied by a soft hiss. Whatever that was couldn't be good.

It takes every ounce of strength he had left to sit up. Thankfully Baby had ended up back on her wheels. Everything felt fuzzy, his thoughts coming through slow and incoherent. The first thing he could really focus on was the car. He had been in a crash... was Baby alright? Broken glass surrounded him, and the engine was hissing - the front of the car looked disturbingly crumpled - and god only knew what else was wrong with her. 

Then he realized that the seat under his right hand was wet. 
"Oh." Dean looks down to see that it was, in fact, his own blood. He hadn't noticed the shards of windshield glass under his hand. 

Touching his head with his other hand, he finds that he was also bleed profusely there. A distant part of him knew that this should concern him but all he can do is stare at the bright red blood on his hand. Huh. 

Then and NowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang