26. Meeting the New SHIELD

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I followed him out to the street. He opened the doors to a car and I got inside. He got into the other side and the driver drove off. I squinted at the driver, sure I recognized him.

He glanced in the rearview mirror and smirked. "Good evening, Charlie."

"Mackie, that's you?" I asked. "What happened to you? You're different."

Mack laughed. "Thanks, Charcoal. How's it going?"

"Not bad," I replied. "How about yourself?"

Mack shrugged. "Not too bad."

The conversation died as we drove out of New York. We ended up in a field of sorts and there was a large plane, which I assumed was the Zephyr. Mack drove into the plane and parked, a Hispanic woman greeting us.

"Hey guys," she greeted. "You must be Agent Charlie. I've heard a lot about you."

"Really?" I asked, glancing at Phil. "I wonder who's been talking."

The woman held out her hand. "I'm Elena. I'm an agent here."

"You're new then," I said. "I would always recognize a new face when I saw one."

"What level are you?" Elena asked.

"I was level ten," I replied.

"You're not an agent anymore?" Elena asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"I need you two to come into the main part," Coulson said. "I want you to meet everyone, Charlie."

Elena and I followed. There was a group of people waiting for us. I greeted everyone I knew and introduced myself to the few I didn't know. Daisy had changed so much but she was still the same kind person.

I sat with them and talked. From what was said and what I heard, they were a tight group. They teased each other and laughed at each other's faults. I had so much fun.

I was pulled away from the conversation when Rhodey called me. Getting up from the group, I stepped away. I answered as I slipped into an empty room.

"Hey, baby," I answered. "What's going on?"

"I wanted to see where you are," Rhodey said. "It's late and I didn't get a text from you."

"I've with Coulson," I replied hesitantly. "He wanted to update me on something."

"Okay. When do you think you'll be back?" Rhodey asked.

"Late," I replied. "Probably early morning. I'm sorry about that."

"Just come back safe, okay?" Rhodey said. "Don't go running off with them, okay? I want to get married to you one day."

I smiled. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon around, baby."

We hung up and I joined the others. After a few hours, I left with Mack so I could get home. I sat in the front seat, my eyes drooping. I yawned a few times and rested my head against the window.

"Tired, Charcoal?" Mack asked.

I smiled a little. "Yeah, a little. It's late and I have stuff. Like wedding planning."

"You're getting married?" Mack asked. "Damn, girl. Who's the lucky man?"

"Colonel James 'Rhodey' Rhodes," I replied.

"You tied down a colonel?" Mack shook his head. "Your life is crazy, Charcoal. You have any pictures of you and your man?"

I pulled out my phone to look for a picture. I showed him a few pictures, Mack complimented how I looked in every one I showed. I even showed him a video of me dancing around in a little black dress.

"You're beautiful, Charcoal," Mack complimented. "I'm glad someone snatched you up."

I grabbed his hand. "He's so kind, Mack. He treats me right, he calls me baby and sweetheart. I love him. He's the best thing that's happened to me."

"I'm glad you found someone like the colonel," Mack said. "I want to meet him one day. Make sure he's good for you."

I laughed. "If my dad approves, then he's a good man."

Mack shook his head, smiling a little. "I have someone too. We aren't getting married but I like her a lot. She's really important to me."

"Who is she?" I asked. "Is she someone in SHIELD?"

"Yeah," Mack replied. "She's Elena. You met her."

"Really?" I exclaimed. "She's so nice. I'm glad you found someone like her."

Mack smiled. "She's great. Really great."

We talked until he dropped me off at the Tower. It was in the early morning hours when I got to my room. Rhodey was asleep in our bed, his braces leaning against the wall nearby. I got undressed and crawled into bed with Rhodey. Rhodey wrapped my arm around my waist out of habit and buried his head into my shoulder. I wrapped a leg around his waist and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon.

Mistakes Were Made (Avengers/James Rhodes)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن