"Xavee, I-" she used that disgusting nickname she had kept for me. 

I groaned in frustration before repeating myself. "When's your fucking flight?" I asked more forcefully. 

She sighed while looking down, "Tonight," she answered. I ran my hand through my hair out of anger while looking around to see Aubrey peering from behind the kitchen counter, holding in a laugh while amusement danced in her expression. 

"Leave. Now. It's over Kylie. We're done." I held the door open for her. 

Anger suddenly took over and she began screaming, "Fine! I don't need you anyway! I'll find someone else. Someone so much better! Fuck you Xavier!" she yelled while walking to her car. 

"You already did!" I shouted back as she got in which groaning. 

She turned on her car and sped right away. Thank god.

I shut my door and leaned against it with a sigh as Aubrey emerged from the kitchen, laughing her ass off. "I came to visit babe! I love you, babe! Xavee I love you!" she spoke in an exaggeratedly high voice which throwing kissy faces my way. She broke out laughing right as she stopped. 

I forgot how angry and annoyed I was and just adored her while she laughed. Until reality kicked in. 

"You find this very funny huh?" I walked over to her slowly. 

She leaned her back against the counter smugly. "Very." She nodded. 

I eyed her top to bottom, checking her out shamelessly. She was wearing simple black leggings with a white v-neck and some white vans. Her hair was up in a bun today and she looked pretty as usual. 

She eyed me warily before I grabbed her legs and picked her up, placing her on the counter, making her gasp. 

"It's not gonna be so funny anymore if you don't stop laughing," I spoke threateningly. 

She laughed before narrowing her eyes down to mine. "I'm trembling in fear. Who on earth will save me?" she gasped dramatically. 

I looked into her eyes while leaning forward, putting my weight on either of my hands which rested beside her thighs on the counter. 

She narrowed her eyes again before having them go back to normal. "Why are we having a staring contest?" she whispered in confusion. 

"Fucking hell, you're gorgeous," I whispered under my breath. It just slipped out, I was thinking out loud, goddamnit! I was so stupid. 

Surprise and shock graced her expression while a blush crept upon her cheeks. "Why would you say that?" she spoke, her voice was merely a whisper. 

"I-I don't know." I placed my arms under her legs as she placed hers around my neck while I slowly lifted her off the counter, setting her back on her feet, on the ground. 

"Don't try with me, Parker. I know your heartbreaking games." She patted my shoulder before plopping down on my couch.

"What? Please, I'd never try with you. You're my babysitter. Not exactly my type," I lied while scoffing and plopping down beside her. 

"Good." She nodded while staring straight ahead at nothing. 

"Good." I nodded repeating and 'agreeing' with her but did I agree? Absolutely not. 

"Great." She shrugged.

"Great." I mimicked her unintentionally.

"Fantastic," she spoke dryly, spitting the words out with venom almost.

"Absolutely," I agreed. 

She turned to face me, spinning her head in my direction so fast, I swear I heard a crack. "Asshole," she cursed.

"Bitch," I spat back on nothing but instinct. I didn't mean to call her a bitch upfront.

"Prick," she spoke, her eyes drilling into mine.

"Prude," I taunted.

"Priss," she hissed, folding her arms across her chest, her nose flaring with anger ever so slightly while she pouted. She looked adorable. "What? Cat got your tongue?" she pressed further. 

"You're even worse than Kylie," I spat back a complete lie. I've never said such a big lie out loud. 

She gasped before smacking my arm. "Go get your stupid bitch!" she smacked my arm again. "God! I wish I didn't agree to be here! I never should've taken this stupid job!" she spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Then leave!" I'm still set on having her quit so I can get away.

"No! I'm here because I promised your mom so shut up!" she huffed. 

She's adorable.






I just realized how much they sound like bratty kids 

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