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(no meme for this chapter only sorry!)

Wade Wilson. (again)

Once Peter came out of the shower, I waved at him from my bed, he laughed and then waved back.

"How do the clothes fit?" I asked.

"They're pretty loose still but their good." he replied, I was looking up at his damp hair sticking to his face in awe.

"Peter, how long are you gonna stay here?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side at him.

"Well.. I was actually thinking of leaving and going back to Avengers Tower today. Why?" he responded while drying his hair with a towel.

"I don't know if I should tell you now, because you'll hate me forever. But you should go back right now, here's your bag and stuff." I handed it to him, he furrowed his eyebrows at me as I led him to the door.

"Is it bad? Tell me." he said, and I sighed, deciding to keep it plain and simple.

"I was paid to kidnap your dad... and I did. It was a very dumbass choice at the time, but I did it for the money. I don't know what they did with him after that, but I helped in kidnapping him." I sadly said, his whole expression faded, and his breathing came in shaky breaths.

"Why, Wade?" was all he said, tears already coming out of his eyes. It hurt me like hell, like a million knives were being stabbed into me.

"I'm s..." I couldn't say sorry for some reason, something was preventing me from saying it.

I took a deep breathe before saying it, "I'm sor.." he just shook his head in disbelief at me, turning on his heel and running away with his bag slinging on his shoulder.

"...ry. I'm sorry, Peter." I mumbled, doubting he heard a word, I walked back into my apartment, shutting the door.

Of course I'd see her sitting on my couch when I entered my apartment again.

"Wanda, what do you want?" I questioned, sitting next to her.

| this is wanda wilson, lady deadpool from an alternate universe |

"You, of course. Clearly, we both can't have what we want, so we should just have eachother's backs." the blonde girl smiled softly at me.

"Hey, it's okay. I am not capable of loving anyone too." she said, rubbing my back soothingly.

"It's not that, Wanda, you know it isn't just that. I love Peter, but I can't pull my guts up to tell him in person, face to face. And now he's fucking gone, cause of me." I said, gripping my mask and tossing it to the corner of the room.

"Wade, I know you love Peter, so just tell him how you feel, it's not hard. Just go find him at the tower and apologize for everything. Don't be the screwup I always knew you were, prove me wrong." she smirked, I looked at her, squinting my eyes.

"Shut up. I am not a screwup." I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes.

"You literally just said otherwise when you let him go. As a famous MJ once said in the Marvel Comics to Peter: go get 'em, tiger." she said, and I nodded, grabbing my mask from the corner of the room, putting it on and leaving.

But as I was leaving the room, I smelt some weird gas fume and it went all the way to my brain, I then began to feel dizzy. I fell over, knocked out.

. . .

"He's waking up, put him in the chamber with Wanda!"

"But sir, if we put them in the chamber, it will drain their oxygen and it will keep making them pass out!"

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