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↱ Wade Wilson

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Wade Wilson.

I woke up beside my dear Websy / Webs. I snuck out of the bed quietly, trying to remember where he last put the glasses.

I need those.

I grabbed his bag off the floor and opened it, looking around. I was tempted to taking his wallet, cause, money of course-- but then he'd know it's me, so I saw the glasses and only took them, closing the bag and putting it exactly how it was.

I sighed in relief that he didn't wake up, then I put on my suit, before I put on my mask, I tucked the glasses under my suit and gave a quick kiss to him on the cheek.

I'm sorry, Webs.

I put on my mask and out of my apartment, quietly shutting the door in the process.

"Damn! This shit could cost millions! ...Plus of course cause it's made by the 'legendary' tin can man... Anthony Edward Stank!--- or.. Stark!" I whisper-yelled in victory.

(I still don't get it.. how could we betray him like he's nothing?)

"Well... I would be that one venomous villain and say 'He was nothing', buuuuuut...--"

[You still have feelings for him.]

"Yeah.. it's too complicated, he wouldn't understand anyway. So why even try?" I muttered, sighing.

(You never know 'til you try that spidey ass, right?)

"Shut up, asshole. Don't mention him anymore." I said, and went to a telephone booth. How do these people even have these? Didn't they stop being relevant since phones became popular? But whatever, I don't have one right now so I ain't complaining.

I dialed the number of the person I'm ordered to give these glasses too, they said they'd pay me millions.

"Hey! It's ya man DP. Just lettin' ya know that I found the nifty Edith glasses you wanted.." I stopped my sentence to listen to what they had to say.

"Great. You can mail them to me, just put them in a glasses case and mail them to me, your money will arrive in around a week after I receive the glasses." he replied.

"Why can't I have it today.." I paused my sentence, wait a second, was this dude scamming me? Oh fuck no.

"On second thought, I can just sell these on EBay." I said into the phone.

"No. You give me those glasses, or I'll--"

"What? Either one, you will find a way to get them yourself, or two-" I heard the line go dead and I dropped the phone, it cracking onto to ground from my harsh grip.

"Damn it! There goes my money. I'll never know if he was scamming me or not." I groaned, getting out of the booth and walking back to my apartment.

[Then again, you did threaten to sell them on EBay and then made ridiculous comments. But that's what we do, right?]

"Shut it!" I yelled to Mr. Annoying White.

Once I arrived at my apartment, I rushed into my bedroom and quickly put the Edith glasses on the bedside table on Peter's side.

I panted, out of breath. Then collapsed onto the floor.

"Wade?" I heard a soft voice say.. Peter.

"I made a huge motherfucking mistake." I muttered to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

Why would I put the glasses back? That guy would've most likely given me lots of money.

Thousands, even millions.

Did I do it for Peter, really?

He's getting to me.

I was too busy rambling to myself in my mind to realize Peter got out of the bed and looked in his bag, cursing under his breath, he looked down at me, slightly blushing.

"U-Uh I- Wade.." he said, and I looked at him, still out of breath, "Hm?".

"I-If I asked y-you f-for s-something uh- embarrassing.. would you not laugh?" he bit his lip, and I shrugged, "Sure, anything for you babyboy." I replied.

"Okay.. can I borrow some of your clothes?--"

"Woah woah woah. You want my clothes?" I smirked, taking off my mask.

"Seriously, Wade?! You always make everything sound dirty." he huffed.

"Nope! Your mind is currently in the gutter, babes. I don't mind giving you my clothes, is what I meant to say." I said, getting off the floor and going to my closet, opening it and clothes falling out of it.

"Oh shit! It's like Captain America: Civil War in here!" I cursed, catching the clothes that fell from everywhere in my closet.

I came out of the messy closet with a pile of clothes in my hands, walking up to the bed and dumping the clothes onto it.

"Select." I pat his back.

"I don't really.. know what will fit me." he said.

"I'll choose for you." I reached my hand deep in the clothes pile and pulled out one of my gray long sleeves with black pants.

"Here ya go." I gave them to him, "It should fit for you."

"Why do you need my clothes anyway?" I asked.

"I am gonna shower here, I'm pretty sure they don't have the showers working at the new Avengers tower." he said, chuckling.

Oh right..

The tower I worked with those people with to explode.

Well, I didn't explode it.. they did, but I helped by kidnapping Tony Stark.

Wait a second.. that's Peter's dad. Shit shit shit! I kidnapped Peter's dad! I helped those guys kill his dad.. but it's for money so it's fine... is it?

I cramped those thoughts to the back of my head and replied, "Want me to join you?"

He blushed again, "N-No.. I'm fine." he grabbed the clothes and walked to my bathroom, going inside and shutting the door.

"Wade! There's no lock on the door!" he yelled, slightly mumbled from inside the bathroom.

"..I live alone! So I never needed one. But I won't come in." I clarified, then he didn't respond but I heard him turn on the shower.

I sighed, taking off my suit and laying on the bed.

Did I fuck up his life?

I took his dad away.

Out of Love (SPIDEYPOOL)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя