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Y'all I am sooo sorry for making Deadpool the bad guy right now lol. (not really bc it spices up the story)

 (not really bc it spices up the story)

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↱ Peter Parker.

Once I heard him exit my room, I shook my head in disbelief, getting off the bed.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, he is all a fraud. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my face. I sighed, looking out the window and seeing him walking somewhere.

What caught me off-guard was a knock, I jumped. "Pete, you in there?" I heard my dad ask. "Yeah, I'm... here. I'm getting dressed." I replied as I slid on my yesterday's clothes.

I limped to the door. Dang it, could I be anymore obvious?

"Crap." I mumbled, loud enough for my dad to hear. I had a plan to excuse my limping.

"You good?" he said. I replied with, "Yeah.. I'm fine, I just stepped wrong." he opened the door, and I raised an eyebrow at him at his appearance.

His hair was a mess, and he was wearing a black stretched out shirt and some black pants.

"You look like you just woke up." I laughed slightly, and gestured to his hair, and he made an 'Oh' sound.

"Yeah, well.. I got sorta drunk last night. Me and uh.. Steve." my dad breathed out the last part.

I tilted my head at him, curiously asking "Who is Steve?".

"Nothing. I mean, he is someone. He's the blondie you saw yesterday at the table. Sorry I forgot to make dinner last night, I had a uh.. phone call." it took him some time to say.

It made me think Wade and I weren't the only ones that were having sex last night.

"So, this conversation's been all about me. How 'bout you, kid? You sorta look like a shit pile of mess like me." he said jokingly, I looked at him worriedly before quickly replacing it with a chill look.

"Dad.. your profanity." I smirked, I can't let him know with what happened with me and Wade.

"Follow me. It's time we have had a serious discussion." he walked behind me and sat on my bed, I closed my eyes. I hope this has nothing to do with last night.

I turned around to face him and sat next to him on my bed, he stared at nothingness before averting his attention to me.

"You know how daughters have girl talks with their mother? Well, let's say this is like those. Except a... boy talk." he laughed, which I joined him before a silence filled the room.

"No secrets. No nothing here. I won't say anything to embarrass you in here, right kid? Same goes to you." I nodded, and my eyes widened a bit, not noticeably though.

No secrets? What does he mea-

"That Steve guy and I walked upstairs last night. I'm bein' honest here, we had tons of drinks in our hands, my idea. He brought them to my bedroom, which is across from yours. Once I made my way to my room to follow him, I heard you. Not just hearing you talking or something, but heard you moaning. I was like, 'Not my business', but then I heard a groan, one that wasn't you. I listened closely to hear that you were with someone. And you told them your secret identity.." he paused for a moment, meanwhile I was struggling to process this as I didn't want this to ever come in discussion.

"Who... did you tell, Peter?" he said, no sign of joking coming from his expressions.

"I didn't..." I replied, sighing as I gave up trying to come up with a good excuse as he lifted both his eyebrows at me.

"You expect me to believe that? I won't be mad as long as you tell me. Who was it?" I sighed, and walked up to my door, he followed I ran quickly to my bag and put on my web shooter, then webbed his arms to the wall.

"Pete! Stop what you're doing, you will have a severe consequence if you don't get back here." I gulped, shoved my suit inside of my bag and jumped out my window, landing on a tree brand and I climbed down.

I ran far away and into an alleyway, putting on my suit where no one can see me. Then I swung up a building.

I'm sorry dad, I can't let you find out about Wade, even if it kills me.

Even though I hate Wade for ditching me and saying he doesn't love me. I can't help but feel something missing when I am not around him.

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