20th of November

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Transgender Day of Remembrance

Every year, on the 20th of November, we should all take a moment to remember and honour the lives of transgender people who have lost their lives to acts of anti-transgender violence in the past year.

In 1999, transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith had a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who had been killed in 1998. The vigil commemorated all transgender people who had been lost to violence since Rita Hester's death. That began an important tradition that eventually became the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Although transgender people's rights have increased in recent years, anti-transgender violence is still sadly common across the world. That's why it is important to have a day to honor all who have lost their lives because of transphobia.

If you want to participate in this day, you can organise/attend a vigil to honor everyone whose lives have been lost to anti-transgender violence. If you do attend an event this year, remember to take caution against the coronavirus.

Besides attending a vigil, you should also take a moment to learn about violence against the transgender community and learn how you can contribute to reducing transphobia.

Transgender Related Resources:


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