September 2020

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*This chapter covers some sensitive topics so if you are triggered, angered or upset by them in any way, we recommend that you don't read it. Instead, perhaps read our 'Positive Quotes' book. These sensitive topics are suicide, suicidal thoughts and suicide awareness.*

Pain Awareness Month

The first Pain Awareness Month was in 2001, when the ACPA (American Chronic Pain Association) led a coalition of groups to establish September as Pain Awareness Month. Its aims are to raise awareness among health care professionals, individuals and families who are struggling with pain management, the business community, legislators, and the public through mass media, public forums, and other activities so that chronic pain is easily recognised and understood, more effectively treated and managed, and acknowledged as a serious public health issue.

Chronic pain (and chronic illnesses that are related) is pain that carries on for 12 weeks or more despite medication or treatment. It greatly impacts the sufferer's life: it can impare the sufferer's mental health and sleep, as well as take a toll on their relationships. It's so hard to make others understand how it feels because they can't feel the pain themselves. This means there are many stigmas and stereotypes surrounding chronic pain and the people that experience it. These are incredibly harmful, which is why it's so important to talk about it and debunk myths around chronic pain.

Pain Awareness Related Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (US) 

With 123 people dying from suicide per day, it is America's tenth largest cause of death - second leading for ages 25-34, and third leading for ages 15-24. It is so important to encourage conversations around suicide (and suicidal thoughts) so it can promote awareness and lead to change. 

Suicide prevention and awareness has no one solution. It's something we all have to play our part in: whether it's simply checking in with those around you or sharing resources online, small acts of kindness do make an impact and can lead to change.

A list of suicide hotlines (worldwide):

Helping suicidal friends and family:

Suicide Prevention Related Resources:

Wattpad clubs that could help you with this: SaveLivesArmyNever-Harm-Alone and OfficialSafeHaven.

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