(0) Introduction

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Writen by LovelyNygma

Quinn had just started her job at the GCPD when she met a man called Edward. He was called strange by many, however, Quinn would never say that to his face. she was his only friend, although, she didn't class him as hers. but after she had done something that could give her life in jail, potentially Arkham, she asks Edward for help as she knew he'd be the only one that would help her. Will Edward be the knight in shining armour that she needs? Or will he just give up on her the second he can


"Our hands will always touch, usually formal but never for a joke. It means hello and also goodbye, but you wont use me if you're a germaphobe. what am I?" - this was the first thing I heard from the tall man who stood next to me. his figure was skinny and looked kind of lanky, he seemed like he was busy as he moved from room to room with his files in a very quick manner as I looked around for the first 10 minutes after walking through the door.

"sorry, what?" I asked, slightly confused why this man was talking in riddles. "I didn't quite catch what you said" I slightly laughed, the man didn't seem to find it as funny as he stood with a straight face. 

"Our hands will always touch, usua-" 

"Ed leave the girl alone, its her first day and we don't need you creeping her out." the man I learned was Harvey had interrupted Ed  and came over to us. "This is Edward, he should be doing his work, but instead he's here. pestering you" he scowled at the tall man which seemed to frighten him a little as he hurried away, back to what I assumed was his office. "im really sorry about him, he's really weird but the best at what he does" Harvey slightly smiled at me in a worried manner. 

"no its ok, he wasn't bothering me" I smiled back at Harvey.

"Quinn, is it?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at me - waiting for my answer 

"yeah, Jim must have told you. he's been taking me around and showing me everything. I still haven't seen my office, he told me he'd get someone else to do it as he was called on a case" I told him as we made our way to his desk. he looked through some files before he stopped on the one he was looking for and taking it from the pile 

"I could take you if you want? not sure if he's asked anyone else but you've been standing about like a lost child" he laughed.



Warning ~ contains violence, strong language, use of alcohol, triggering chapters and sexual explicitly

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