The Other Side

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"So this universe is a musical!" H said as everyone took their seats once entering through the portals.

"A musical!? Heck yeah! Ohh is it Hamilton!?" Jirou yelled in excitement.

"No, but maybe later. No this one has Stain trying to convince Midoriya to join the villains," H said.

Everyone was kinda scared.

"Don't worry, I'm not telling you what will happen," H said, making everyone think there's a chance that Midoriya will join him.

"Right here, right now, I put the offer out. I Don't want to chase you I know you see it," Stain started singing as he approached Midoriya in an alley way. "You run with me, and I can set you free, out of the drudgery and walls you keep in."

"Who knew Stain could be such a good singer with that raspy voice," Kaminari said.

"So trade that typical for something colorful. And if its crazy then live a little crazy," Stain continued as he walked closer to Midoriya, making him back up.

"Midoriya seems scared, as he should be," Todoroki said.

"You can stay invisible, a king of conventional, or you can risk it all and see!" Stain continued. "Don't you want to get away to a whole to a whole new part you got to play! Cause I got what you need so don't you want to take the ride, I'll take you to the other side! Cause you can do like you do, or you can do like me. Stay in the cage or you can finally take the key. Oh damn! Don't you want to take the ride, to the other side!" Stain finished.

"Please don't take the offer Deku," Uraraka thought while everyone else was scared.

"Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in. But I hate to tell you that it just won't happen," Midoriya sang as he argued with Stain.

"Damn, I didn't know Midoriya was such a good singer," Sato said as everyone's mouthed dropped. Midoriya was extremely embarrassed.

"Good thing Deku isn't taking Stain's offer," Uraraka said with glee.

"So thanks, but no! I think I'm good to go. Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in. I live among the swells, we don't pick up peanut shells. I'll have to leave that up to you. Don't you know that I'm ok with this uptown part I get to play. Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride. Don't need to see the other side. So you can do like you do, and I can do like me. Ain't in a cage so I don't need to take the key. Oh, damn! Can't you see in doing fine! Don't need to see the other side," Midoriya finished as he prepared to walk away.

"Good singing Midoriya! Like, on my God that was good!" Jirou yelled in excitement as Midoriya blushed pretty hard.

"Glad to see him standing up & being confident," Todoroki said.

As Midoriya was about to leave, Stain jumped in frony of him to stop him. "Is this really how you like to spend your days? Embarrassment & misery, long nights, endless days?" "If I was mixed up with you I'd be the talk of the class. Disgraced & disowned. Another one of the clowns!" Midoriya yelled at Stain as he was pushed into a corner of the alley. "But you'll finally live a little, finally laugh a little. Just let me give you the freedom to dream and wake you up, and cure your aching. Take those walls, and start em' breaking. Now that's a deal that seems worth taking. But I guess I leave that up to you," Stain finished as he walked away from Midoriya, gestering for him to leave. "Well..." Midoriya said as hs was about to leave.

"Oh gosh! Please don't say what I think your going to say!" Iida said in panic.

"Come on loser! You're smarter than that!" Bakugou yelled in, encouragement?! But no one cares or teased him. They were all too worried about what Midoriya might say.

"Fine, I'll join, but on one condition," Midoriya said with anger. "Whatever you need, my dear apprentice." "Bakugou will be my 1st target," Midoriya finished as the screen blacks out.

"What the hell! Why would he say that!?" Kirishima yelled in surprise.

As everyone looked at their Midoriya, he was shaking in absolute fear. Would he had said that in real life if it had happened? Why did his counterpart want to kill Bakugou? So many thought were running through his head.

Bakugou was a similar case. He too was worried, but for hia own safety. Of this was regular Deku, then he could easily handle that brat. But a Deku trained by Stain, the hero killer himself, would be another Deku. One that had a high possibility of killing Bakugou.

"Well, that was a dosie, but I'll send y'all home for now to contemplate on what just happened," H said as he teleported everyone away.

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