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Okay. There are 88 ships on this list, all of which I have ranked, & I want to explain the tiers real quick.
S Tier - My favorite ships. Listed from favorite to least favorite, but I love all of these ships.
A Tier - not my favs, but ships I still like quite a bit. Also listed from favorite to least favorite.
B Tier - I don't really feel one way or another about these ships. I don't hate them, but I don't love them either. Kinda sorta sorted from favorite to least favorite, but is the most malleable in terms of rankings
F Tier - Ships is genuinely don't like. Not listed in any specific order.

Here's the complete ship tier list!
S Tier!
1. Midoriya x Mina
2. Midoriya x Uraraka
3. Kaminari x Jirou
4. Todoroki x Yaoyorozu
5. Bakugou x Kirishima
6. Nejire x Amajiki
7. Aizawa x Mic
8. Ojiro x Hagakure
9. Iida x Hatsume
10. Kamui Woods x Mt Lady
11. Masaru x Mitsuki
12. Gran Torino x Recovery Girl

A Tier!
1. Twice x Toga
2. Iida x Sero
3. Kirishima x Mina
4. Midoriya x Toga
5. Mina x Jirou
6. Kaminari x Yaoyorozu
7. Bakugou x Yaoyorozu
8. Koda x Jirou
9. Midoriya x Jirou
10. Kendo x Yui
11. Aizawa x Mandalay
12. Bakugou x Camie
13. Yaoyorozu x Kendo
14. Tokoyami x Aoyama
15. Bakugou x Todoroki
16. Yaoyorozu x Jirou
17. Aizawa x Ms Joke
18. Aoyama x Mina
19. Mirio x Nejire
20. Iida x Yaoyorozu
21. Mina x Sero
22. Bakugou x Tsuyu
23. All Might x Inko
24. Iida x Aoyama
25. Todoroki x Uraraka
26. Uraraka x Hagakure
27. Midoriya x Hatsume
28. Iida x Uraraka
29. Iida x Camie
30. Mirio x Amajiki
31. Kirishima x Kaminari
32. Katsuma x Eri

B Tier!
1. Shigaraki x Mirko
2. Selkie x Ryukyu
3. Kaminari x Uraraka
4. Midoriya x Melissa
5. Kota x Eri
6. Midoriya x Momo
7. Todoroki x Camie
8. Midoriya x Todoroki
9. Uraraka x Toga
10. Bakugou x Aoyama
11. Aizawa x Midnight
12. Koda x Sato
13. Shigaraki x Toga
14. Midoriya x Iida
15. Shoji x Sato
16. Dabi x Toga
17. Midoriya x Hagakure
18. All Might x Aizawa
19. Shigaraki x ReDestro
20. Uraraka x Hatsume
21. Bakugou x Uraraka
22. Midoriya x Aoyama
23. Todoroki x Inasa
24. Midoriya x Mirio
25. Midoriya x Tsuyu
26. Hawks x Dabi
27. Endeavor x Hawks
28. Shigaraki x Dabi

F Tier!
1. Midoriya x Bakugou
2. Any of the Todoroki Family being shipped with each other
3. Eri x anyone (except Kota & Katsuma)
4. Kota x anyone (except Eri)
5. Mitsuki x anyone (except Masaru)
6. Midoriya x All Might
7. Any Teachers x Any Students
8. Midoriya x Nana Shimura
9. Overhaul x anyone
10. All Might x Nana Shimura
11. All Might x Gran Torino
12. Hawks x Twice
13. Katsuma x anyone (except Eri)
14. All Might x Endeavor
15. Midoriya x Gran Torino
16. Midoriya x Endeavor
17. Kirishima x Endeavor
18. Midoriya x Inko

Alright, I feel I should explain some of these. Specifically, my #1 pick. Midoriya x Mina.

"But H, I thought you were and IzuOcha shipper?" You think. And you'd be correct. I do ship IzuOcha. But I also ship IzuMina. I don't know why I ship IzuMina, it's just a ship I really like. At the end of the day, I believe IzuOcha is a better ship & a far more likely ship to be canon. I'd prefer IzuOcha be canon rather then IzuMina. Howeve, IzuMina is my comfort ship & I can't really explain why.

I'll put it like this:
I like writing about IzuOcha, but I like reading about IzuMina. Make sense?

Most of the F Tier ships make sense, but there might be one hour confused about, maybe even offended about. BakuDeku.

I just don't like it. I don't see it. It's not an argument about wether it could be canon or not, it's an arguement about overall ship dynamics, & I just don't like the BakuDeku dynamic. Nothing against you if you do however.

A reminder these were all my own opinions, and I didn't aim to offend anyone. Everyone should be allowed to ship whoever they like, & they should've be judged for it. If one of your ships is in F Tier, then m know I don't like it, but I'm not gonna judge or attack you because you do like it. It's all about opinions at the end of the day. We all have opinions someone doesn't agree with, so don't get offended when you don't agree with theirs.

And now I send it to you! I want your opinions! Remember to be friendly to everyone in the comments, as I won't stand any violent speech or topics.

Do you have any questions about some of my ship placements? Ask away! I'm happy to answer any questions you have, as long as you're polite about it!

The next multiverse chapters I'm working on are Beetlejuice & the SA2 FanDub.

Cya then!

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