Tower of Babel PT 1

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"The 1st universe we'll be watching has everyone all grown up as pro heroes. Some of y'all have formed a team called the Justice League! Though your quirks are different," said H.

Everyone got excited. A world where they were pros & had a team! What could be more cool.

The screen suddenly lit up.

The screen shows a blue room in what looks to be a castle. We see the villain known as Dabi on screen. A big burly man is standing behind him.

"What!" Most people yelled. "Why's he there?" Asked Uraraka. "He's the main villain of this story," responded H. "Now quiet down & watch."

"You what!?" Yelled Dabi at a man. "You fed him what?!" He yelled again. We see the man he's yelling at is holding something small wrapped up in a blanket.

"Is that a baby?" Asked Kaminari.

"Chocolate, sir. I didn't th-think it would huh-hurt him... I swear..."

"It can't be a baby," said Iida.

"Unless it has a chocolate allergy," Midoriya said to Iida.

"I see. It was your job to look after him, & you were just being kind." Said Dabi to the man. "Even though it was critical that his special diet be maintained due to his fragility!" Yelled Dabi.

"So it was that man's job to look after that baby, but he failed. That baby is also somehow important to Dabi," Yaorozu recaped.

"You are indeed correct," said H.

Dabi looked at the man with anger. "And now that he's dead, his future mate to be... future mother to his children... is the last of her kind. Now there will never be another like either of them!" Dabi turned to the burly man behind him. "Muscular, show him the same 'kindness'." Dabi then turned & walked away as Muscular got ready to kill the man. The screen then shows that what the man was holding was a baby tiger.

"That got dark real fast," said Kirishima.

"When will they learn?" Said Dabi as he walked towards another villain, Toga.

"She's in this too!?" Yelled Bakugou. "If I ever get my hands on her she's dead!" He yelled again.

"Thanks to human stupidity, the javan tiger is now extinct. How long before the same is said of the Palos Verde Butterfly? The black rhino? The saigo antelope?" Dabi said. "You have done much for them, sir. How many natural species thrive because of your efforts," said Toga.

"She seems less crazy in this," said Tsuyu.

"I said call me Tsu," Tsuyu, erm, I mean Tsu said, staring at me, yes me, the author.

"What?" Everyone was confused.

"They do not 'thrive' in conservatories, Toga. The only one that thrives outside these walls are 6 billion parasites who continue to ravage our planet's natural resources."

"His motivations seem a lot... different in this," said Midoriya

"On it's own, humanity is a destrucive force. It needs a master. The schematics please," said Dabi. Toga handed him the papers. He then continued "Beginning tomorrow, mankind will begin thinning itself," he said.

BNHA Reacts to the Multiverse + 1A ShenanigansWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt