Tower of Babel PT 2

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"I wonder what will happen next?" Asui asked excitedly.

"I know! That last world was awesome!" Mina responded

"Why don't you quiet down & listen as it's about to start," said H.

"The New York stock exchange has gone haywire, & the brokers are the 1st to suspect the truth." A random voice narrated. "The world economy is about an hour away from utter collapse. In Columbia, an inadvertent case of trespassing has escalated into a gangland Riot over turf." He continues as the screen shows a bunch of gang members are taking cover & firing at each other.

"That's terrible," Midoriya said.

"Across the planet, the machinations of the Japanese terrorist Dabi begin to erupt in fear & violence... while, as ever, Dabi patiently awaits the arrival of the one man most likely to oppose him. He arrives slightly ahead of schedule," the narrator says as Dabi looks at a now busted door with Midoriya beating up a bunch of henchmen.

"Holy crap! Midoriya's a great fighter," Kaminari said.

"Isn't he in real life," Uraraka said, making Midoriya blush slightly.

"It's weird how he expected Midoriya come at a certain time," Todoroki said questionably.

"How easily you find me. Perhaps I left my trail to warm," Dabi said as Midoriya finished off the henchmen. "I'm a detective. Don't insult me. I followed two coffins half way across the world to this spot. Where are they, Dabi. WHERE ARE THE BODIES OF MY PARENTS!" Midoriya yelled at Dabi angrily.

Everyone was scared of how angry Midoriya was. Even Midoriya himself. But he would probably be the same way of a villain stole the bodies of his parents.

"Lower your weapons. In the state he is in, you are little match for him. You'll forgive their lack of manners, Detective. At this moment, other matters consume us all," Dabi said calmly.

"How can he be so calm in the face of the world's angriest Midoriya?" Kirishima asked, surprised.

"I've been wondering if its about time to share my ability to raise the dead," Dabi said as he pointed to something on the ceiling. Midoriya's jaw dropped as he saw what he was looking at. The coffins of his parents being raised above the Lazarus Pit!

"What's the Lazarus Pit?" Asked Sato.

"It's like a fountain of youth, except it can raise the dead. This is how Dabi keeps himslef alive, as he's actually thousands of years old," H said.

This surprised everyone.

The screen cuts to Shinsou's apartment, where Iida & Yaoyoruzo are trying to calm Shinsou down, but he tries flipping a table in anger, only to miss, as he's now blind. "Shinsou listen to me. Try to stay calm. The League is under full attack by forces unkown. Somehow, they got to you. They've already defeated Ojiro & Kaminari. Bakugou's at the Watchtower with them---but he's been dosed with fear toxin that makes him fear water," Yaoyoruzu. Meanwhile, the screen shows Bakugou in the watchtower, talking to himself. "How could we have overlooked this," Bakugou then calls Iida. "Iida, Yaoyoruzu! Get ready for an attack!" He yells at them through the coms. Then people break into Shinsou's apartment & attack the 3 heroes. Iida protects Shinsou while Yaoyoruzo fights back. They shoot Iida with a super bullet that causes him to start having cesures at lightspeed.

"Oh god!" Mineta yelled as he saw Iida having what's possibly the worst day of his life.

Meanwhile, Midoriya was calling Dabi insane, until Dabi spoke up. "How many times have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice or feeling your mother's touch?" Midoriya thinks about it for a second.

"No Deku don't!" Uraraka loudly whispered to herself. Everyone else was thinking the same thing.

Midoriya then throws a batarang at Dabi & says, "What about honoring their memory." Dabi dodges as Midoriya grabs him by the collar. "What's this all about? What do you really want? TELL ME!" Midoriya yells angrily at Dabi. Dabi manages to escape Midoriya's grip & pulls out a red rock. Once Midoriya sees it, his jaw drops.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sero.

"That's red kryptonite," H responded.

"What's so important about it?" Sato asked.

"Well, it's one often Todoroki's few weaknesses. It can't kill him, but it could over charge him with energy that he gets from the sun," H told everyone.

Everyone was immediately scared for Todoroki's life.

Meanwhile, back at Shinsou's apartment, as the assassins defeat the heroes & are about to leave, Ojiro shows up in a water suit. As he beats up the assassins, he asks oms of them, "What have you done to my friends!?" But another assassin cuts open the suit from behind, causing the water to flow out & Ojiro to catch on fire again. But then Todoroki appears. But the assassin pulls out the red kryptonite, causing his skin to turn translucent, which makes him absorb too much solar energy. Then Midoriya comes on the coms as he escapes Dabi's fortress & yells "Todoroki, I did this to you!" Blackout.

"That's the end" Hagakure yells.

"What does Midoriya mean when he did this to them?" Asui asks.

"You'll have to wait to find out," H says as he sends them back to their world.

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