BNHA as Thomas Sanders Vines

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"Today we're taking a break from the JLA universe," H said as everyone was once again summoned.

"Ahh, why though?" Mina asked, sad.

"Don't worry we'll get back to it soon," H responded.

"What's the next universe like?" Kendo asked.

"This one has 1A as YouTubers who make funny videos," H said.

"Sounds a lot lighter than the last universe," Present Mic said.

"It is indeed," H responded. "Now, whose ready?" H asked.

"We are!" Everyone responded, except for Bakugou, who heavily doubted Midoryia's comedic talents.

"If I'd known is was going to be hot out I would've worn a tank top," Uraraka said while walking beside Midoriya. "Haha haha..." Midoriya cut himself off as he thought something perverted & walked away. "Drive over me!" Midoriya yelled as he laid in the street.

"So, Midoriya has a crush on Uraraka, is a pervert, & has a death wish," Hagakure summed up.

"Dude can you take a picture of us?" Mina & Jirou asked Kaminari as he walked by. "Sure thing," he responded, but instead took a selfie of himself before giving it back & walking away.

"So Kaminari is the same idiot," Jirou said.

"At Tunnel Berry Acres, we warn you not to swim in the bushes," Iida said. "If you do we'll think your crazy, & you'll be shot on sight," he continued.

"That got dark fast," Kirishima said, for the second universe in a row. Will this be a reoccurrence? Probably not.

"Lets go I'm ready!" Bakugou yelled. "Nice to meet you ready. I'm dad," Iida said calmly as everyone behind him yelled "ohhh" while Bakugou fell into the arms of the Bakusquad.

"Iida roasting people? Never thought I'd see the day," Uararaka said while Iida was mildly embarrassed by his behavior in the video.

The Bakusquad comforted Bakugou, though he acted as if he didn't need it. (He did)

Some teachers: "Alright it's the 1st Day of school so let's relax & get to know each other," Vlad King Said as 1B looked happy & content.
Other Teachers: "Alright, here's your assignment, here's your books, here's your homework, test is Friday," Aizawa said really fast as 1A struggled to keep up.

"That's pretty accurate," Kendo said, Tetsutetsu nodding.

"Today I'm going to show you how to put this meatloaf in the oven in just 30 short minutes," Kaminari said. The screen then shows him in front of a burning house. "I burnt my entire house to the ground."

"That's Dunce Face for ya," Bakugou said, making Kaminari sad.

"1st my mom doesnt wake me up, then the bus doesn't show up! Mondays..." Yaoyoruzo said as she sat at her chair, no one else un the room. Then she realizes, "Oh its summer!" She yells angrily.

"That's happened to me before," Yaoyoruzu embarrassingly admitted.

"How tall are you?" Todoroki asked Iida. "6'4," he responded. A 'bling!' sound was heard as the screen changed to replace Iida with Midoriya while walking. "How tall are you?" Todoroki asked. "I am 5 foot, 3 inches, & 3 quarters. I will destroy you!" Midoriya yelled menacingly in Todoroki's face.

Everyone laughed at this, excluding Midoriya, who was sad at the thought he was short. But he got over it quickly.

"Ahh! This homework is impossible!" Kaminari yelled as Mina nodded. "Hah, I already did it," Momo said triumphantly, not expecting what happened next. "Answers!?" Everyone else asked loudly. "You better run," Aizawa said as he looked at them. Then Momo ran out of the room with everyone else chasing her.

"We would totally do that," Kaminari said.

"Please don't..." Momo requested, mildly terrified.

"Getting ready for those tricker-treaters, huh?" Midoriya asked as Bakugou checked out a bunch of Halloween candy. "Yep. I sure am," Bakugou said as he left. The screen then showed Bakugou eating all the candy while driving home.

Everyone laughed at this too, except Bakugou, who yelled stuff as "Stop laughing" & "I'll kill you all" & etc.

Aizawa was too busy trying to hide his chuckle to stop Bakugou.

"They'll never find your body-" Aoyoama said menacingly, staring right at the audience, before taking a complete 180 & saying "-more beautiful than I do, you lovely thing. Sparkles!" He exclaimed.

"Finally, moi got to be in a universe," Aoyoama said, not commenting on what he actually did. This caused everyone to laugh even more.

"I wanna be an actor, I wanna be a singer, I wanna be an astronaut, I wanna be a scientist, I wanna be a firefighter," a young Uraraka said happily while skipping down the street. Then an older Uraraka appeared doing the same thing, but saying something different. "I wanna have enough money to eat today," she said.

"That's what I feel like every day," Aizawa said, scowling. Ms. Joke laughed at this. Aizawa scowled even harder.

"Dude, there's been a kidnapping at school," Uraraka said to Iida over the phone. "What! Is he ok!?" Iida asked frantically. "Ohh, oh wait, he's waking up," Uraraka said as Todoroki woke up from his desk. Iida facepalmed.

While everyone laughed, Uraraka was embarrassed by her stupid actions on screen.

"K, that's the end of that," H said as his ears started hurting from the amount of boisterous teenage laughter.

"Aww," everyone said, disappointed. Even Bakugou was disappointed. He found parts of this universe genuinely funny. He found other parts offensive but that's besides the point.

"Don't worry, the next one returns to our 1st universe," H said, cheering everyone up.

BNHA Reacts to the Multiverse + 1A ShenanigansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang