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   There was a rapid knock at my bedroom door and I groaned. I checked the alarm clock allowing my eyes to adjust to the 11:28 flashing over the screen. I got out of bed and grabbed the door handle, rubbing my eyes.
"What?" I asked in my groggy morning voice and the person pushed past me. I squinted at the figure. At first I thought it was still a dream and I was talking to an angel but as my vision processed, I saw that it was Jennifer.
"Morning, I brought you brunch", she said and I smiled. She wore a white jacket and matching white leggings and pink Uggs. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore no makeup. Her looks and her height made me more convinced that she was nineteen.
"and weed", she added as I lied back down on the bed.
"Why?" I asked staring at the ceiling. She then said, "Seems like you need a friend." I smiled and opened my arms, gesturing for her to come and give me a hug.
"No", she said and I chuckled. I knew she wasn't going to take it. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom to freshen up, yawning. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower then came out in a blue shirt and red sweatpants.
"Why aren't you at school?" She asked me as I began to pick at the contents inside of the bag. The scent was lifting me off of my feet.
"Why aren't you at school?" I asked her and she shrugged.
"I don't have a class", she answered. "Wheres your mum?"
I pointed behind me stuffing my face with the yummy foods. She was an amazing cook honestly. I really wasn't just saying that because I was head over heels in love with her.
"Anyway, I should be going. I have things to do", she said getting up from my bed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me, squeezing her within my body. I inhaled deeply, taking in her scent.
"Thank you", I said softly exhaling. She rubbed my back and softly said, "Your welcome."

    I didn't want to pull away but after a minute, I did. She dangled her keys around her finger and smiled, "there are also edibles in there."

I stopped chewing as she laughed. "Are you serious?" I asked with a full mouth unsure if I should continue chewing or spit it all out. She nodded with a wink.
"Why would you not think that there would be edibles? Have fun, I might be back", her voice said as she left. Shit.
  I knew which one was the edible, it had to be the brownies. I ate all of them. They just tasted too good. I lied back in bed and thought about Jennifer. I really liked her and I know for a fact that she did too. Last night was evidence.
  Even though the rock of my life died, she still made me feel like there was more to life than depression and isolation. Matter of fact, I didn't even have depression which was shocking. I chuckled, feeling the edibles kick in. I reached for the bottle of water on my nightstand but never made it. I fell into a abyss filled with hallucinations and a blurred reality. It was crazy.

    My phone rang.

    I pushed my body up and looked around. It was dark already. Those were strong as shit. I grabbed my phone on the nightstand and answered without hesitation.
"Yo T-dog, whats up? I heard the sad news man and Im sorry. He was a good man but listen what are you doing?" asked the voice of Sam. He spoke so fast that all I heard was what I was doing.

"I had some strong ass edibles, Im just recovering", I answered sitting down and rubbing my eyes. What kind of weed was Jennifer using? Damn.
  Sam laughed, "Ha-ha I like that but listen party right now, yea?"
I yawned, "I don't know man, I–"
"Come on Tris, the girls miss you. I miss you bro", Sam told me and I began to rethink my decision. Did I even have other plans? Finally, I said unto him "Give me forty."
"Ha ha, yes", he said then I heard him shout, "He's coming guys!" before hanging up. I grinned and got myself up.

    I sat in the car watching cars pass by where I was parked. This was a seemingly bigger party than last time. I placed the joint between my lips and brought the lighter to its butt. I inhaled, released a little then sucked it all back up.
Once I finished, I left my car the extra fumes quickly escaping. Two guys walking past, saw this and chuckled.
"Tristan!" One of them called and I nodded with a grin. "...getting lit already", he mumbled walking past. I walked towards the door rubbing my hands on my colorful sweats. The door opened on its own and I was met by Lisa who held a large cup of red substance.
"Hey handsome", she told me stepping aside for me to come in. She giggled shutting the door behind me. I looked around surprised that Sam was actually hosting a party in his living room. I mean it was pretty large and as I could clearly see, everything was moved and preferably secured. I also saw that there were big men dressed in all black blocking parts outside of the living room like the stairs.
  There was a blue light illuminating the women grinding onto their dance partners/strangers. The women wore little to no clothing at all. In the corners were more dry grinding to the loud Jamaican music. 
My pants vibrated and I reached in, pulling my phone out. I answered the call moving away from the large speakers.
"I thought you were home", Jennifer's voice shouted over the music. I smiled looking around.
"Where are you?" I asked and she hung up. Hmm I liked a challenge.

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