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The door rapped hard and fast.

  I sat up in bed, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. My pupils adjusted to a light beneath my door telling myself that it was probably mom or dad getting up. I forced myself out of bed, grabbing my sweatpants lying in the corner and shoved them on.
  I had completely ignored the red and blue light circling my room and had just realized it once I was in the hall. I slowed down as I approached the door, noticing mom with her back against the wall and a hand covering her face in a deep sob. She wore an open robe with a nightdress beneath, the kind she wore whenever her and dad were getting it on. Disgusting but it wasn't the time.
"What? What is it?" I asked scratching my hair from confusion. The officer, Hanoi waved at me then asked if I were Tristan Isaacs Jr.
"Mr. Isaacs well the senior is–" He didn't even finish because mom screamed "dead" at me. "What?" I asked turning to my mom and now I understood why she had been sobbing. "He's dead Tristan, your dad is dead!" She shouted at me pushing her hair back with her hand and shaking her head as more tears streamed down her beautiful face. I was...speechless but then again, I couldn't believe it.
"We need you to –", the other officer, Sanders began to speak but everything became inaudible. I pressed my back to the wall and massaged my eyebrows angrily then turned and struck the wall. None of this makes any fucking sense if you ask me. "Wasn't dad just here?" I asked mom cutting off Officer Sander's rehearsed speech.
"He was Tristan but-but he must've left...I don't know", she told me as if begging me to believe her. I don't know why I felt like she killed him but there was a hunch telling me that that doctor was next.
"Why did you just let him leave? Did you have something to do with this?" I asked ignoring an escaped tear that ran down my face. My hands trembled at my side.
"Tristan, you cant–I didn't do this!" She shouted at me pushing her hair back once again. I was angry and desolated. After giving her a hard deadly stare, I grabbed my keys sitting on the table and pushed past the officers, walking to my car and getting in. I punched the wheel more than a few times secretly wishing that I would set off the airbags and they'd just kill me.
   After a few unsuccessful tries I finally started the engine and reversed, making way to Jen's house. She was the only other person that I had. I got out of my car in a rage and crossed the street, punching the code into the box and slipping past the barely open gate. I trotted to her house and began rapping hard on the door neglecting the bell.
"Jen! Open up!" I shouted moving towards the window and peeping in. She was looking right back at me, almost predicting that I'd be on her doorstep. Just seeing her calmed me down. Sell sorta.
   She gracefully moved to the door, pulling it open and looking at me puzzled with a hand on her forehead.
"Tristan, its 1am what–" I leapt forward and hugged her, squeezing tightly for support allowing my wet eyes to rest against her bare chest. Her body was warm...almost hot. Her arms hugged me back after hesitating at first and those soft hands began caressing my hair. It was soothing and calming at the same time. I forgot my troubles within the first five minutes of whatever we were doing.
We stayed like that for at least 10 minutes then finally she spoke, "Tristan you cant keep coming here unannounced, it's not..." her voice trailed off.
"Its not what?" I asked pulling away and staring into her eyes. They twinkled like emeralds. One thing I loved about Jennifer was that she never broke eye contact. The world could be burning behind me and my eyes would remain her main focus.
"Its not safe...for you...or for me", she informed opening the door and stepping aside, inviting me in. I accepted the offer and came in, hugging myself whiles she just stood there, staring outside as if she saw something that no one else had seen. I came behind her, searching to see what caught her eye. "What is it?" I asked placing my hands on her shoulder and she quickly turned to me, shaking her head and letting the door shut.
"Tea?" She suggested quickly walking into the kitchen. That was weird. I followed her and sat on the stool behind the counter. She placed a kettle onto the stove and turned to face me, folding her arms.
"Im sorry about your dad Tristan", she told me. I didn't tell her about it so how-
...unless she read minds. Ha ha.
But Does she though?
   I waited to find out. "If does wondering about how I know, its a small town. News travels kinda fast I noticed", she continued. I found her tone suspicious but she was right, news does travel pretty fast around these here parts. My fingers anxiously tapped on the marble table.
"What kind of tea is it?" I asked changing the topic as she now tended to the kettle. Her back remained turned but I saw her pour the water into two cups. She chuckled and spun around, holding the cups by their handle.
"Its my signature tea containing weed...among other non important stuff. Mostly weed though", she answered placing the cup in front of me. I looked at the dark liquid then back to her who was already sipping at the tea.
"I–What is it with you and weed?" I asked picking up the cup and blowing away the heat. I let the hot substance touch my tongue, at ease when I confirmed that it wasn't scorching hot.
"Its good for the system and... it helps me to relax", she answered in between sips. I grinned and continued sipping along with her. It was actually pretty good and it made my bones feel as though they were melting. I wasn't even halfway through the cup when everything suddenly became a blur. I looked around trying to focus on Jennifer who I now saw with this evil smirk on her face as she moved around. All three of Jennifer's wore the same smile.
"Night night", I heard her say as my body weakened and I fell over in the stool. I stared at what I could clearly assume as the ceiling, a painful banging in the back of my head. Did she just drug me? Seriously? Wtf?!
The last thing I saw was Jennifer's face above me with that evil look, licking her lips then boom! I was falling into a dark abyss.

Jen's POV

  I nudged Tristan with my foot, checking to see if he was out cold. He was. I went upstairs to my room and slipped out of the light pink robe and into a short black dress and black boots with at least 2 inches of heel. I placed the black wig over my hair and smoothed it out then went to my mirror, applying red lipstick and black mascara beneath my eyes. I opened my drawer and got out my brown eye contacts. I carefully placed them into my eye. After a few blinks they were good to go.
  I got a blanket and returned downstairs, throwing it over Tristan. Such a silly boy. Why should I let him interfere with my work?
  I turned off the lights then went back upstairs, entering my Play room. I went into the corner and felt the wall slowly so I didn't miss the button. Once my hand ran over it, I pressed it and a lock clicked. I stepped back allowing the walk in 'closet' to open up. I coughed covering my nose from the dust that rose while taking normal steps in, my fingers trailing the guns hung up on the wall. It remained dark but I knew everything by memory.
  I picked up the .9mm and cocked it, listening. I felt the drawer until I felt something leather between my fingertips. I grabbed the holster belt, strapped it around my thigh and secured the gun in. Backtracking my steps and leaving the 'closet' I got my purse from the bedside table and left, strolling downstairs knowing that inside of my purse contained enough to blow out an entire bar. I glanced at Tristan's corpse one last time then opened the door, stepping through and shutting it quietly behind me.

A change of events. Maybe Jennifer isn't just...Jennifer. Comments? I try to update as much as I can but I have no time. The chapters are written they just need to be edited.

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