Special preparations

Start from the beginning

"Oh really?" I giggled out. "And why's that?"

"Oh, who knows...I might never want to let you go~" he smiled. "I'd hold you close, just like this, and never, ever, let you go~" I knew he was just teasing, but God, that sounded like the best thing that could ever happen.

"Hmm....you should think of another evil plan, messere." I smiled more. "Because I find your plan quite...appealing~"

"Now, now....that will never do...tsk, tsk, tsk..." he playfully shook his head. "I will have to think of something else indeed." I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing. Seeing him try to impersonate a stereotypical bad guy was too much for me. Even Ezio began to laugh as well as he held me close. Though we were both wearing our hoods, I could almost feel the warmth of his skin next to my face as his found its proper spot on my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side until our heads were touching.

"So...what's our plan...?" I whispered, smiling softly as I looked out to the sea.

"We will not reach Monteriggioni before supper, so we should use the rest of the day to rest. And tomorrow, first thing, we will head out to San Gimignano." He explained. I tried to hold back a smile. Rest. Suuuure. I would've almost believed him had I not known better. "And once we're done in San Gimignano, we will take course to Firenze."

"Bene. We will head straight to Lorenzo's palazzo then." I nodded. "Often times, he invited me to rest in his palazzo in-between Assassinations. He even offered to give me a spare key to the palazzo Auditore." I explained with a soft smile. "So, if our search takes longer than expected, we'll have a place to stay. Considering the first step of your plan though...are you sure you want to get up first thing?" I began, smirking. "I mean....who knows....we might go to sleep late tonight~"

"Really now~?" he teased right back, chuckling. "I will reconsider then~"

As soon as we docked, we stepped out of the ship and began the long walk that would lead to the stables. The man in charge was an honest worker, who seemed to treat his horses particularly well. He demanded quite the generous amount for two horses, but Ezio didn't seem to mind as he placed a small bag of florins onto the man's awaiting hand. With that out of the way, I got up onto a gorgeous dark brown stallion, while Ezio mounted a cream-colored one. I began to smirk as we trotted away from the city. "Are you up for a race? I'm sure these horses would appreciate some action~"

"Only if you don't cheat like last time~"....can I kick his ass? Please?!, my brain screamed, but I shrugged it away.

"Vedremo (We'll see)~" I smirked, before suddenly spurring my horse forward. My horse galloped eagerly, and as I felt the wind push my hood back, I almost felt like we were flying. But of course, that head-start didn't really last as I heard galloping from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I giggled at the sight of Ezio. It almost felt like I was back in that dream, being chased by Altaïr. That smirk, that fire in his eyes. "Aiuto!! I'm being chased by a bad guy! I'm so scared!!" I playfully screamed before focusing on the road ahead. I was winning this.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now