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You quickly scurried out of the hole, tearing your shirt on the edge of a rock.
"Hey, fuckface!" Richie shouted.
IT growled, turned around glaring at him with glowing yellow eyes, knocking Mike with a tentacle into the wall. Mike hit the ground, writhing in pain, while Richie's heart panged at the sight. He took the chance to pick up a rock.

"Wanna play Truth or Dare? Well, here's the truth! You're a sloppy bitch!" IT narrowed its yellow  eyes, slowly getting pissed off at him more and more. You saw this wasn't going to end well from the opening and watched in horror from the darkness.

"Yeah, that's right! Let's dance!" He was winding up to throw the rock when you started running towards him from behind. "Yippee ki yay motherf-" before he could get the words out you ran in front of him, shielding him from the deadlights that filled your vision. Your entire body went limp as you stared into its true form. Your eyes turned white, glossing as they rolled back into your head, and Richie grabbed into you to keep you from careening, but you slipped from his grasp as you floated upwards, your face still following the deadlights that shone.

He shielded his face while he felt around for the entrance behind him. "Eddie! Eddie! Where'd you go!?" His hand waved blindly. "Back here, Rich!" He staggered, following his voice into the tunnel. He rushed after his voice eventually finding him from feeling his way. He uncovered his eyes in the dark cavern. He rubbed his face, almost breaking his glasses with the force. "Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god..."

He jumped as IT screeched outside. He heard Mike and Ben's shouts as Bev bolted into the tunnel from the outside. "One down," she panted. Eddie looked at her, confused. "Huh?" Richie stared at the ground, his mind off-course. "Got lost in the deadlights," was all he said. Eddie looked down, saying nothing. Beverly cut the silence. "Well, are we gonna kick some monster ass or not?"

Richie snapped out his trance of defeat. His mind got to its feet faster than he could and he almost tripped. "Damn right, missy! Let's kick some sloppy clown spider bitch ass!" He picked up another rock (the monster killer) and rushed out into the open where Mike, Bill, and Ben were doing their best to fend IT off.

And now in this massive cave with cobwebs draped all over and corpses hanging in their web cocoons like the prey they were, the Losers Club (minus one) had to defeat IT. In the shape of a massive, crawling, disgusting, mewling spider. It was the color of rust, with ridges all up and down its back. The pincers were the grim. And its eyes were pure heavenly light. The eyes...

IT dragged itself across the rock ground, chittering and staring with inhuman eyes. It was most definitely weakened, but certainly not dead. Bill stared in absolute horror, his mind whirring.

Oh god! I get why Stan committed suicide. I wish I had! My god I wish I had!

IT stood lopsided, a long claw hanging slightly off the ground as it spoke to Bill. Then suddenly he remembered. The Ritual of Chüd. He closed his eyes, imagining IT's tongue. Rubbery, black, meaty. Then he imagined his own tongue and teeth. And he squeamed as he pictured him biting down on IT'S tongue. Pulling and tearing little by little until there were cracks.

The rest of the club could hear it screeching in pain, ordering Bill to stop. He didn't. I'm fact, this encouraged Ben to join, imagining IT'S tongue soon to be in shreds. Mike, Richie, and Eddie scampered forward while they had the chance, wrassling two of IT'S legs, attempting to mobilize IT while Bill did his work. He hollered at Ben, telling him to follow his example. He stepped towards IT. Everyone including himself were no longer afraid. They were purely pissed off. And tired. And absolutely filthy.

Beverly's face was caked with dirt and her hair was matted with sewage. Ben and Eddie at some point accidentally swallowed the water on their way down the underground tunnels. They all may have lost the battle against IT as kids, but they weren't kids anymore.
And they sure as hell weren't losing this time.

Bill watched as IT mewled and squirmed in their grasp. Before anything else could go sideways, Bill used his fist and socked IT right in the eye with no intention of stopping there. He pierced through the wet sheet of slime and dug around while his brain almost splintered from IT bellowing in pain in his head. He pulled his hand out and the remnants of the eye came with it in white-orange.

The deadlights had gone out ages ago, but Eddie would always remember. I looked into the deadlights, and it was like ... I wanted to be there.

There was no need to hold IT down anymore, the Losers let go and faced IT'S upturned stomach as it's legs waved aimlessly. Mike punched, easily puncturing the flesh. The rest followed suit and dug around until they found what they were looking for.
The heart.

Black and slimy and oozing. They all grabbed at once and wrenched, prying it from IT'S body. Beating madly, they put all the strength they could into their fingers and squeezed. IT let out one last command before it screamed in ultimate pain and IT'S heart exploded in their hands in a shower if black blood and veiny tendrils. IT went completely limp, the light finally fading from IT'S eyes.

Bill stepped back, his eyes wide as he huffed, trying to comprehend what he was thinking. Eddie collapsed. Richie's eyes instantly went to the ceiling as the cadavers began to descend, web strings falling to the ground, slithering and melting into the cracks. His eyes drifted as his mind ment a million miles a minute. "Govna', I am fucking finished."

A loud thud reverberated in the room, which startled everyone, getting their attention. You weren't in the deadlights anymore, so the second IT let go, your trance was gone. Richie rushed over. "Okay, please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please, please." Your eyes rolled back and you rolled to the side as you hacked out unknown fluids, heaving in air. Your skin which was a parchment yellow before started to look like skin again, it's natural color slowly coming back.

You opened your mouth to ask, but Richie slung you over his shoulder, smiling until he felt like his cheeks were splitting. "No time to explain, hot stuff. Besides, I wouldn't even want to," he stated as he led the group to the exit back to the tunnels. "Love you too much to do that, anyway."

Lots of brain power into this one... drop more requests!

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