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The sound of cushions hitting the floor resonated in the living room. They were hitting the wall, knocking a painting askew. Finding nothing, you ran into the garage and started searching through the pockets of any clothes you could find. There was also nothing there. Running over the phone you dialed Mike's number. It rang, and rang, and rang until his mother finally picked up. 


"Hi, is Mike home?"

"Who is this?"

"I'm one of his friends."

"Hang on."

It was silent for a few seconds before you heard Mike's voice over the line.


"Hey, Mike."

He instantly recognized your voice and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Are you still coming to the arcade?"

"Yeah, I just have to finish my chores first."

"Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes. I just have to find some stuff first."

"Okay. See you in a bit."

Hanging up you sighed and looked around the room you were in. There was really nowhere else in the house to find what you were searching for. Unless...... you went and ventured into your parents room. Maybe not on accident, but you could just pay them back. They didn't have to know right away..... they didn't have to know at all, actually.

Since they were both in the living room you just casually walked past them and into their room. Opening the drawer where you knew they kept a huge old coffee pot full of coins you picked any quarters you could see trying not to rustle them.

Nonchalantly walking back out after closing the door you left the house unnoticed and walked to the planned area.


"No, no, no! This is overpriced bullshit! Son of a bitch! Peice of shit!" Richie roared while kicking the arcade machine.

"Richie, chill," said Stan.

"But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine," he said while pointing at the high scores on the screen.

At the very top of the scores was a name that anyone would recognize.

Stantheman          730600

You laughed and smiled as Richie rolled his eyes and walked away. Turning toward Mike you made a subtle move.

"Hey Mike, wanna play a game? Just the two of us?" You asked with a small playful shrug.

"Yeah. Whaddya wanna play?"

Looking around the arcade you searched for something that looked interesting. There was a black and green first person shooter game, a dance dance revolution, and a weird game about fixing a penthouse.

Your eye landed on a game that was pink and was about racing.

"That one."

"Sugar Rush?"


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