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Flora walked through the front door of the apartment, closing the door behind her. She placed her bag down on the couch while finishing up her iced coffee. Once she finished, she threw the cup away in the recycling bin. She then got her laptop and the pictures she got printed out from today. She then started working on an essay for her English class until she got a text from someone.

She got her phone and saw that it was in the group chat she and the girls had.


Girls! Emergency SOS! Come over now!!


I feel like this "emergency" is something dumb but ok.

Flora laughed as she got up and walked over to Stella and Brandon's apartments.

"Hey Flora"

Flora looked to see Bloom by the door waiting for someone to open it.

"Hey!" She responded as she could see Musa, Aisha, and Tecna walking towards them.

"Hey guys" Tecna greeted as they all said hi back.

"Is Stella going to OPEN THE DOOR?" Musa shouted as she clearly was a little annoyed. Soon the door opened up.

"Hey girls, sorry about that." Stella sheepishly said. "Come in"

Everyone walked in as Stella closed the door behind.

"So what's this emergency, Stell?" Tecna asked as she sat on Stella's couch.

"I don't know what to wear tonight! This is so bad!" Stella exclaimed. Everyone rolled their eyes then laughed.

"Whatttt? Stella? The fashionista doesn't know what to wear for a night out? I can't believe that." Aisha said as the girls but Stella laughed.

"I know right! So will you please help me? Please, please, please?" Stella asked.

"Okay, okay" Bloom said as everyone went to Stella and Brandon's room. Everyone immediately noticed the mess from her closet.

"Holy crap Stella! This is so messy!" Flora said in disappointment.

"I'm sorry okay!" Stella apologized.

"Um Stella, what time are we even going to the club?" Musa asked.


Everyone checked their watch.

"It's 3:00!" Tecna screamed.

"Stella!" Flora shouted.

"What! Beauty takes time and I have to be the most gorgeous one there!" Stella dramatically said. Everyone then laughed.

"Fine, fine." Aisha said as they all helped Stella pick an outfit.


"What time is it now?" Stella asked. Flora checked her watch.


"Oh cool. Well thank you so much you guys, and uh, sorry" Stella said.

"It's okay." Bloom replied for everyone. "So, anything interesting happened so far in the past week?"

"Oh my gosh you guys, guess what I found out about Riven." Musa said. Everyone's immediately got interested in what she was going to say.

"What is it?" Tecna replied.

"I caught him watching Legally Blonde! Also the sequel!" Musa said as she started laughing. All the other girls started laughing along.

"No way!" Stella said as she started panting for breath.

𝙙𝙖𝙮 & 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 / 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙭 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖Where stories live. Discover now