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Stella, Bloom, Aisha, and Tecna were all out in the quad around lunch time, just chilling and talking together. They were waiting for the guys, Flora, and Musa. 

"We should all totally go to that new club that opened up like two days ago!" Stella said very excitedly.

"But Stell, school literally just started today. Going to a club on a school night is not logical at all." Tecna said trying to be reasonable as to why they shouldn't go. Bloom and Aisha nodded their heads to agree with her.

"But it's going to be so much fun! It gives me time to think of stuff other than college." The blonde then said.

"Really Stella? Like Tecna said, today was the first day. Plus, how are we even going to get in? We're only 18, and Bloom and Flora are still 17." Aisha then said.

"Well, I have these-" Stella started to say but was cut off.

"Hello ladies. Whatcha talking about?" A deep voice said from behind. The girls turned around to see app the guys there.

"Stella here is trying to get all of us to go that new club tonight." Bloom said.

"How? We're underage. Especially Bloom and Flora." Timmy said.

"Exactly!" Tecna, Aisha, and Bloom said.

"We can get in because I got- AHHHH" Stella began to say but got cut off again and fell off her chair. Everyone started laughing crazily. She turned around to see Musa rolling on the floor. She looked like she could die soon.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MUSA" She screamed earning more looks from the people around them. After a few, everyone began settling down.

Musa wiped a tear as she and Flora sat down. "So what are we guys talking about?"

"Well, as I was saying before I got rudely cut off." Stella said as she paused to glare at Musa, "I have these bad boys." She said as she showed everyone fake ids for everyone.

"What the. Stella where'd you get these?" Flora asked for everyone in the group.

"From a friend I know. Here everyone, take yours." She said passing out the ids.

"Ok, but I still say we shouldn't go tonight. Atleast wait for Friday." Tecna said.

"But" Stella whined.

"Whaaaaa. Stella went all through this work to get these for us. I say we go." Musa said standing up.

"Thank you Muse."

"Of course you would agree with her." Aisha said.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Musa and Stella said at the same time.

"I just need to take my mind off of things other than school." Musa said.

"That's exactly what I said!" Stella said as everyone laughed.

"What do you boys think?" Musa asked. All the guys had looked at each other and thought if they should go or not.

"Sure" Sky said as Brandon, Nabu, and Riven nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well I say no. I'm not going to a club, underaged, on the first day of classes." Helia said.

"Ughhh, you guys are boring. Come on, it'll be fun!" Stella exclaimed. They all looked like they wouldn't change their minds.

"Please, pretty please" Musa asked putting on her puppy face.

"Ugh, fine. But i'm not doing anything there." Bloom said.

"Yay! Now what about you guys?" Stella asked.

"Er, fine." Aisha agreed.

"Well i'm not." Tecna said and Flora, Helia, and Timmy all nodded their heads.

𝙙𝙖𝙮 & 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 / 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙭 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖Where stories live. Discover now