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"Flora are you almost ready?" The older Linphean asked his baby sister.

"I'm coming!" Flora shouted from the other side of her bedroom door as she grabbed her bag.

"Ready for your first day of senior year?" Brandon asked as the two their way to their mother's car. Technically, it would've been Flora's first day of junior year and Brandon's first day of senior year. It would've also been Bloom's, but they both were able to skip a grade back then. Their first day was actually tomorrow, but they both had to get situated at their home for the next few years.

"It's your first year too ya know" Flora said as they both laughed.

"Yes I am, now answer my question." Brandon had said.

"Gee no need to sound demanding." Flora jokes as Brandon rolled his eyes. "But to answer your question, yes I am" It was going to be different this year. The group is going to be split up this year mainly because of their majors. Flora's majoring in education, Musa majoring in music theater, Bloom and Stella are both majoring in creative fashion design, Aisha is majoring in marine biology, Tecna and Timmy were majoring in IT,  Helia majoring in neuroscience, Brandon majoring in history, and Nabu, Sky, and Riven are majoring in business management.

"Oh yea, Mom and Dad have bought all of us our own apartment and cars, but we're going to have to be sharing an apartment with someone." Brandon informed Flora.

"So who is your roomate?" Flora asked Brandon.

"I don't know yet, but probably Stella." Brandon said as Flora began cooing.

"Awwwww #Brella!" Flora teased as Brandon slightly blushed.

"Shut up, by the looks of it, you and Helia will probably have to share an apartment."

"Oh yea why?"

"Because, every couple will want to be together, but since you and Helia are both single in the group, you are probably sharing the apartment." Brandon said as he slyly smirked.

"Okay so?" Flora asked bluntly. "We're just friends."

"We all know that you still like each other." Brandon said as Flora blushed.

"I don't like him, and I doubt he would ever like a person like me." Flora said as she emphasized the word 'doubt'

"Sure okay" Brandon said as he dropped the topic. Flora soon fell asleep for the long journey.

"AHHHHHHHH" Flora screeched as she felt a cold liquid flowing throughout her body that had woken her up. She could hear giggles coming from outside. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the light she saw Brandon and the gang already there. She soon noticed Tecna and Aisha holding empty buckets that had a few drops of water still in it.

"TECNA AND AISHA I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" Flora said in a threatening voice but still sounded like her normal soft sweet voice.

"Sorry Flo, but you're just too nice to act all tough." Riven had said as Flora glared at him.

"Well then, i'm guessing you wouldn't mind a big nice hug." Flora said as she opened her arms widely. Riven's eyes widen as he soon realized that Flora was going to get him wet.

"NO NEVERMIND" Riven said while running away as everyone else laughed their asses out.

"Well then, anyone want a hug?" Flora asked with a glint of mischief  in her eyes. Everyone soon stopped laughing and ran away from Flora. Flora soon began chasing them and soon started chasing Helia.

"Aww Helia, won't you let your dear friend Flora give you a hug?" Flora teased as Helia stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"You know what, why not?" Helia said as he approached Flora. Little did Flora know that Helia had a plan.

"Haha okay" Flora said as she hugged Helia. Soon, Flora was now drenched in water again.

"AHH WHAT THE HELL HELIA!" Flora screamed as Helia then threw some water from his water bottle again at Flora's face.

"YOU'RE SO DEAD HELIA KNIGHTLY!" Flora said as she chased Helia once again.

"Catch me if you cannn" Helia said while running away.

"Awww, they're so cute together!" Stella said as all the other girls cooed.

𝙙𝙖𝙮 & 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 / 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙭 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖Where stories live. Discover now