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A/N: HI GUYS! It's been a while! Sorry for all of you who have been waiting for a new chapter for a while. I've fallen out of my love for Winx club, but I got back into it! I've also been super into Romanogers stuff LOL. I even have an instagram fan page for it XD. Since i haven't posted in a while, the storyline might have changed a bit, depending on what I still like for this story. If you guys also have any ideas on what should happen, please feel free to comment or dm me! Another reason i haven't posted was because of my terrible writers block! For my other story, I may or may not continue it. But hey, maybe I will change my mind about it. Anyways, enough of me and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"UGH. SHUT UP ALREADY" Flora groaned loudly. Today was her actual first day of senior year.

"WHY CAN'T YOU BE QUIET!" Flora screamed loudly as she chucked her pillows at her alarm clock.


"What th- FLORA! Are you okay?!" Helia asked as he saw the state Flora was in on the ground. Her room was also a big mess. Her pillows and blankets were scattered on the floor due to Flora's failed attempt to throw it at her alarm clock.

"Flora, no no no" Helia said repeatedly. He had quickly turned around to grab his cell phone.

"Um. Are you okay?" Flora asked as she chuckled a bit at Helia. Helia had turned around to see Flora sitting up looking perfectly fine.

"Flora! Oh my god, don't scare me like. I thought you were dead! I was about to call 911!" Helia said as he sighed and clutched his heart. Flora had then wrapped her arms around Helia.

"Helia, i'm fine. My arm just hurts a bit." Flora said as she then pulled away from their hug.

"Okay, but why did I walk in to see you on the ground and your room a mess?" Helia asked as Flora chuckled.

"Well you see, I have a thing called an alarm clock. So useful but annoying as crap, but anyways, it wouldn't shut up so I tried to shut it up." Flora said as Helia blankly looked at her.

"You were always different Flora" Helia said as he shook his head.

"Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing?" Flora questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you want it to be. Now come on and get ready. We have to go soon" Helia said as he left Flora's room to get ready himself.

Once Flora had finished getting ready, she had grabbed her bag and made sure her stuff was in it.

"Ready?" Helia asked as Flora nodded.

"Are we using your car or mine?" Flora asked.

"Mine" Helia said as he grabbed his keys from the counter. Flora and Helia soon made their way to Helia's car.

"Ooo this is my favorite song!" Flora said as she heard that Get Back by Demi Lovato was playing in the background.

"Can I turn it up?" Flora asked as Helia chuckled.

"Course" He replied. Flora then proceeded to turn up the volume. As she did, she recognized that all of the songs on the CD were by Demi Lovato.

"Helia, can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you a Demi Lovato fan?" Flora asked keeping a smirk on her face.

"Nope. Musa just has a lot of CDs and I just happened to pick a Demi Lovato one. I wasn't a big fan of her music, but it's not that bad." He answered.

"Well, when your with me, we're going to be listening to no one else but Demi." Flora said cheerfully. "And maybe a tad bit of the Jonas Brothers." She added.

Helia laughed. "Fine with me"

"Ooo! My favorite part!" Flora said as she began to sang.

You were the only one I wanted
And you were the first one I fell for
You're the only one that i've been needing
And I don't wanna be lonely anymore

Flora finished singing that one part and looked at Helia, who's mouth had dropped.

"Uh, Helia are you okay?" Flora asked getting worried. Helia then snapped back and closed his mouth.

"Oh yea, it's just, damn Flora. Didn't know you had the pipes." Helia said as Flora blushed.

"Thanks. I always sang, I just didn't like singing around a lot of people often." Flora said as she just got a text from the groupchat the whole group had. Probably some random gif someone had sent.

"Well guess what." Helia said.

"What?" Flora responded as she decided to check what Riven sent.

"We're here" he said as he pulled up to Princeton and parked the car. Flora looked around and saw the place. Her eyes grew wide at how big the place was. She saw all the people who were wandering among the area. She then got her bag and stepped out of the car as Helia did the same. They both then walked towards the entrance until Flora heard a certain blondes voice.

"Yoohoo! Lovebirds! Over here!" Stella called out loudly, earning different looks from different people. She was with the rest of the group.

"Hey, whaddya know, the whole world knows where we are." Sky joked. Stella glared at her twin.

"Hey guys" Helia greeted ad Flora smiled.

"But noticed how they haven't commented on what Stella had said." Nabu whispered to Riven. Riven snickered. Brandon heard and just coughed loudly.

"Hello Flora, and hello dear cousin." Musa had said as she fluffed both their heads.

"Hey! Watch the hair!" Helia said as he fixed his hair quickly. Flora fixed hers but not as quick as Helia.

"He's obsessed with his hair! It's official!" Brandon commented. The group laughed as Helia just pouted.

"Aweee, it's ok little Helia" Flora said pinching his cheeks.

"I'm not obsessed" He pouted. Just then the bell rang.

"Well classes are starting. Got to go guys, i'll see all of you later." Stella said as she got up. They all then departed their ways.

𝙙𝙖𝙮 & 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 / 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙭 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖Where stories live. Discover now