He flips open the book to the chapter about bonds. It all looks like gibberish to me, and probably looks like a native language to him. He starts to talk about covalent bonds and how polarity has something to do with it. He shows me the diagrams and helping me organize my new notes. I've never written so many notes in my life. I don't think I've ever participated in school so much in my life. My hand finally gives out and I accidentally drop my pencil on the floor.


I lean down to get my pencil, not noticing that Edd was doing the same thing. And at that moment our hands ran into each other. My heart skipped a beat, and I look up to him, seeing his cyan eyes looking at me.

-Edd P.O.V.-

Oh dear. I might have overstepped my boundaries. I accidentally touched his hand.

I look up into his green eyes, only inches away from each other. I see a blush spread across his face and he quickly bends down to get his pencil.

He blushed! What does that mean? Could he possibly feel attracted to me?

Questions swarmed my mind of what it could possibly mean.

"So this atom has 8 protons?" Kevin picks up from where we left off.

I blink a bit and look back at his paper.

"Uh, yes, yes. You're correct, Kevin. And since protons and electrons equal, you now have to figure out how many neutrons there are." I explain to him.

"Oh those little shits." He mutters angrily.

"Kevin, they're an important part of the atom." I say with a sigh, understanding the difficulties of comprehending chemistry.

"I know, I know. They can just be confusing sometimes." He said, rubbing his temples in frustration.

He's trying so hard. His dedication is making me like him more. What am I going to do with myself?

"Okay, here." He says moving his paper towards me. "Is this the amount of neutrons?" Kevin questions, pointing to the answer he got.

"10, that's correct." I second his answer.

He smiles.

Kevin, you are making it difficult not to love you with that kind of expression.

"I seem to really get the hang of this." Kevin says boldly.

"Just wait Kevin, there's more to come. There's equations on figuring out masses and measuring in moles." I say with glee.

"You mean there's more math in chemistry?" Questions Kevin.

I hesitate to answer.

"Yes." I finally squeak out.

He groans and puts his head on the table.

"I'm probably gonna need you for that too." He mumbles.

That made my chest heavy.

Need me? Kevin needs me?

"That's fine." I mumble.

A few seconds of silence goes by of us sitting there, me staring at him while he has his face on my desk.

"Hey, Edd?" Kevin mumbles through the desk, that being the first time he calls me by my name.

"Yes?" I respond.

"How do you do it?" He questions me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, purely confused.

"How do you have the heart to take in a dumb jock like me, who has always bullied you and your friends until middle school, completely forgotten until said jock needs the smart kid for his own selfish reasons?"

The room fell silent again.

That's because I care about you more than you think I do.

"Well, I like to help people." I lied.

If it was anyone else, I probably would have got Eddy to make them go away.

Kevin sits up and stares at me straight in the face.

"Well then, Edd. You are a really good person." Kevin says to me as serious as he can be.

I swear to a god in which I don't believe in, I could have melted right then and there. But instead I blush.

-Kevin P.O.V.-

A blush spread across his face.

Oh please don't tell me that was the first time someone praised him. But if it was, then I'm glad I gave it to him.

"Thank you, Kevin. That was very kind of you." He says looking away, blushing.

I look at the clock, 6:30.

"Oh crap, I need to get home and make dinner for my dad." I just remember.

"Thank you for the help Double D. Can I get your number so we can plan another time to study?"

That was smooth as shit, Kevin.

"Uh, sure."

We trade numbers and I quickly head out his front door. But first I got to make a quick stop. I run across the cul-de-sac and get to the house I was aiming for. I get up to the door and quickly knock on it. A blonde opens the door, and I run inside the house and turn to face her.

"Kevin, what is g-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Nazz, I think I am in love with Edd."

She's still standing at the front door, staring at me in shock.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alliandria here! How did you guys like it? I had so much fun writing this I can't even explain it. Like there was some parts that I was like WELLDAMN DID I WRITE THAt. Yes, Alli, yes you did. I apologize for the kinda late update, I guess. I actually finished this like 3 days ago and just never typed it up due to health issues. BUT, I hope to be getting better soon, with dieting and bleh.

So my little back story on chemistry, I took chemistry in high school last year and I don't remember a thing. My teacher was sooooo terrible and I made a petition to get him to change the way he was teaching, but no one would sign it because they were scared to get in trouble. Wimps. So really anything that relates to chemistry in this story is going to be really vague haha.

Constructed criticism is accepted. Again, please notify me about any grammar issues and spelling. Although I like to write, I'm not so good with grammar and sentence structures.

For the next chapter: Will Nazz be able to handle the news? What kind of past will she bring up? Answers to these questions soon!

Thanks for reading!

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