"Fine, whatever." I said, dropping my coffee cup on the table.

What difference would it make anyway. Lucas would never lie to me, and Damien probably hasn't seen the video.

"Here." He handed me his phone.

"That was fast." I muttered.

"Yeah, I have my ways." He said.

I took it from his grip, tapping the play sign on the screen as the muted video started to play.

It started out normal when El went into the room casually. I watched how Lucas stood upright in a defensive stance, while Elroy spoke calmly. I honestly would give anything to listen to their conversation but that wasn't really what I wanted to see.

Lucas had gotten closer to Elroy, bracing himself for a fight. He looked different... I could tell... He wasn't all chatty and smiley... No. There was an insane frown on his face. A kind I hadn't seen there before.

Elroy still maintained his position, not looking scared at all.

A few more conversations were made after that, but then it seemed as if Lucas took Elroy by surprise, hitting him on the side of his face.

Lucas threw the first punch?

My breathing became abnormal as the video played on.

I watched in shock as Lucas hit my El again, once on his face and then on his stomach. He didn't give him time to recover from that. He hit him again until El fell straight to the ground.

Lucas in turn followed him, and when I thought he was going to punch him again, his hands encircled around his neck, as he tried to strangle Elroy.

Lucas looked like a monster, finally getting his prey to the position he had longed for.

The video ended when Cade rushed in, pulling Lucas from El as Lucas rushed out angrily.

"Are you okay?" Damien's voice tried to cut into my thoughts.

"No." I answered absentmindedly but truthfully, feeling so sick to the stomach.

My eyes were still glued to the black screen on Damien's phone as I tried to take it all in.

It didn't take long for my eyes to fill up in tears.

"Don't keep it all in Fay... Are you okay? Talk to me." Damien said with concern burning in his words.

I felt the tears fall at the same time as I swallowed the teary lump in my throat.

"Elroy wasn't- He wasn't lying to me? He had been trying to make me see Lucas for who he truly Is. He- he had been trying to warn me Damien, but I  but I didn't listen to him. I- I blamed him for everything." I gulped, finally meeting Damien's concerned gaze. "That night, the night that he had- that he had an- an asthma attack... I- I fought with him because he told me to- to stop seeing Lucas. He- he had been trying to warn me. But I hurt him."

Damien sighed. "Stop crying Fay, you didn't know."

I shook my head, sniffing.

"No you didn't. Anyone who was in your shoes would think Elroy was being his usual narcissistic self. How could you have known that he was sincere? Or that he was telling the truth. I know how evil my brother can be at times but- he wasn't always like that. He made you lose all trust in him, so the fact that it took you this long to believe him, isn't entirely your fault. You didn't know, Fay."



I shook my head. "No... You don't- you don't understand Damien, I knew." A new set of warm salty liquid dropped down my cheek. "I knew he was telling the truth."

Damien looked confused now.

"Deep down- deep down I knew but- but I ignored it. I trusted Lucas too much- I was so blinded by my trust for him, for our friendship. I never in this lifetime would think that Lucas would lie to me. I just didn't want to believe it. Blaming Elroy made it way more easier." I said.

"Don't blame yourself."

"What? Why shouldn't I? If I had just paid more attention to the truth than to the lie then- then we wouldn't even be here right now."

Damien sled his phone into his pocket.

When did he even take it from me?

"Can you think of a reason why Lucas would want to hurt El?"

I sniffed. "No. Lucas - Lucas didn't seem to have any problems with El. At least, that's what he made me believe."

"So what could possibly be the reason? I know the both of you were like having a thing before Elroy came into the picture, but that isn't enough to make Lucas want to strangle El like that."

"Unless Lucas is mentally ill. But- but he seems normal to me."

"We'd have to find out." Damien said.

I sniffed again, wiping my tears. "It doesn't matter now. Elroy and I are officially over."

"Why would you say that."

"I ruined everything, Damien. He probably hates me now, and the next time I see him, I'm pretty sure he'd want to finally break up. He tried to make this relationship work but I just ruined everything."

Damien smiled softly. "Won't you at least talk to him first before jumping into conclusions?"

"I know what I know Damien. I raised my hands at him. He was telling me the truth and I slapped him. I'm scared of even stealing a glance at him right now."

"What would you do about Lucas?" Damien asked.

"I don't know. I just don't even want to look at him right now. I'm not ready for that confrontation."

"Take your time. But please, do talk to El, okay? You might just be wrong about his reaction to all this."

I managed a nod.

But deep down, I knew I wasn't wrong. I knew he wouldn't forgive me. I mean? Who would?

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