"How can I leave you alone like this? You're obviously mad at me, and- and I don't want to leave with you feeling this way."

He moved away but I rushed to him. "Elroy please-"

"I'm seriously in no mood for this now. Honestly, just leave me alone. I'm not even joking now. " He said, trying to move away, but I blocked him.

"Fine, don't- don't tell me what happened." I said, watching him raise his brow questionably at me. "Just- just let me help you sooth the bruises okay, I'll get ice from the-"

"Thanks. I'm fine." He shot out, trying to move past me again.

"You don't look fine, El... Please- just- just let me... Okay?"

He shook his head. "I don't need your help. And honestly, I don't even know why you choosed to come here in the first place. You should go see Lucas, he needs your attention more." He said.

"Please don't be like this. I don't- I don't like seeing you like this. Let me at least get you some pain-"

I was unable to complete my statement due to Elroy's door bursting open, revealing the one person I least expected to be here.


Elroy's pov

  No way in hell.

Lucas limped into my office weakly, a bandage tied around his head, his eyes was a swollen mess, there was a nose bandage over his nose and a small cut on the corner of his mouth.

My jaw dropped so low.

Fay's hand flew to her mouth as she muttered. "Oh my God."

He looked like someone had turned him into a punching bag, he had the most innocent look in his eyes. So convincing, so so fucking convincing.

Fay's expression was a dead giveaway that his initial aim for coming here, was working.

"I'm- I'm sorry to interrupt." He stuttered, holding his stomach as if he had been punched out of breath.

He joined his hands in a pleading manner. "I honestly don't know what I have done to you, Mr. Chesterfield, I don't know why you are so intent on ruining my life, but I beg you... Please- I- I was the one who wronged you, okay? I don't- I don't even want to know what the reason was but- please- my sister- my sister doesn't have anything to do with this. Please- please let her go."

My whole facial expression turned into the basic definition of confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Lucas coughed, stumbling a little.

That action made Fay rush over to his side. She held him upright. "Are you okay?" Her voice held so much worry as she tried to hold him.

"Don't- don't do this Fay." Lucas said, "I don't want to put you in trouble."

"Have you gone mad, you can barely stand on your own two feet." She said, looking scared for him. When her eyes met mine, they were filled with anger.

Her eyes that once looked at me with care and dare I say, Love, was filled with so much anger and hatred.

"How could you do this, El? What is wrong with you?" She accused.

Lucas looked up at me from the corner of his eyes, a small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips.
When Fay looked up at him, he winced in pain.

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