"What the fuck are you talking about Lucas? I didn't even know you until I employed you... How could I have ruined your life?"

"How can you remember? You've ruined the lives of so many other people, it's pretty hard for you to keep track." He snapped.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Who do you think you are? You think because you carry a very powerful last name, you can do whatever you like? You think it's a blessing?" He scoffed. "Let me tell you something you know, but are obviously denying. Your last name isn't a blessing... It's a curse, to you, and to everyone around you."

I frowned. "Tread lightly, Lucas." I warned.

"Or you'll do what?" He gave a mocking laugh. "There's something about you Chesterfields. You think you're all so important, so superior... You think you can fix everything with money and-"

"What the hell does this have to do with anything?"

"10 years ago, you lied to the press, paid off people to lie for you, ruined the life of a very innocent woman and murdered her fucking son. Your bloody family didn't own up to it... Your bloody family erased that little boy from the face of the freaking earth... He wasn't even freaking buried, why? Because you wanted to protect your cursed reputation." Lucas said, coming closer to me as he spoke.

I knew the look of horror was obvious on my face. How does he even know about this?

"You erased his identity with money." Lucas said, standing right in front of me.

Flashes of that night hit my senses like a new wave of heat. His words slapped off every thought of myself not being guilty.

His words strangled me with the hands of guilt, tearing my throat to shreds...

He was right... We made a mistake... But it wasn't my call... I never asked them to hide anything, I didn't even know when they solved everything with the press.

I woke up to see everything taken care of.

I couldn't change their minds, I was only a kid. I was only 14, what could I have said to possibly change their minds, how could I have even thought of anything when I was busy trying to phantom a life without my parents, when I was busy trying so hard to find someone to blame for everything, when I couldn't even think anymore?! When I couldn't stop myself from blaming myself for everything!

"How-" I gulped. "How do you know all this? You aren't- you aren't supposed to-"

"Know? Just like you didn't want the world to know?"


"Your family is nothing but a curse, and I'll be so glad to be the one to remove the curse from existing. I'm only one step ahead to doing it."

I blinked, snapping myself out of my thoughts.  I didn't come here to sink back into my dark shadow.

"If you hold a grudge against me... Why are you trying to involve Fay in it? I honestly don't even know why you hold a grudge against me, for that night."

"Admit that it was wrong." He said.

"I'm not admitting to any damn thing Lucas... Whatever happened that night, happened for a damn reason, and honestly, I really don't care. It happened ten years ago... It's in the fucking past. It doesn't matter-"

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