Chapter 6 - The Teacher From Hell and The Cool Substitute

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"You haven't complimented yet, my ego is deflating," Jordan teased from where he was sitting and I felt a blush burn my cheeks again. Every single time.  I really need to learn to control my blushing. I wonder if that's possible, if there's actually a way to control your blushing because it seems that recently, that would be the superpower that I'd need. The ability not to blush whenever Jordan Taylor talks to me.

Even last night, when Jordan had texted me, I blushed. I was in my room, alone with Sam and Dean Winchester and my laptop, and I blushed. I mean really, that is desperate. I needed to learn to control it because it was getting out of control.

"Turn to any girl in the room Jordan. I'm sure anyone would be happy to build it right back up for you," I told him, rolling my eyes with a smile turning one corner of my mouth upwards. I was pretty proud of my come back, at least it protected my dignity somewhat and didn't make me look completely pathetic.

"But it sounds so much better coming from you," Jordan said quick as lightning and as I'm sure you've guessed, I blushed. Every damn time. I found myself unable to lift my eyes from the book lying closed on my desk and hoped that Jordan couldn't see my blush. Didn't happen. "Everytime I say something even the least bit flattering, you blush," Jordan observed, looking at me intently.

"Don't get full of yourself or anything. It happens with everyone," I quipped with a shrug and twisted my pen around my fingers, still not looking him in the eye. I was so afraid that I would meet his eyes and blush. Then he would see that he has such a huge affect on me and that wouldn't be good.

"How? I mean, aren't you used to it by now?" Jordan asked and my curiosity won out over my self consciousness because my eyes darted up to meet his. I tilted my head to the side slightly and drew my eyebrows together, silently asking what the heck he meant by his question. "You know, you must be used to it from guys showering you with compliments," Jordan clarified and a bark of sharp laughter burst from my lips.

"I wish," I laughed, shaking my head at him and his lips curved into a smirk.

"You deserve someone complimenting you constantly," Jordan muttered, leaning closer so only I could hear it. My eyes went wide and a blush darkened my cheeks. He knows exactly what he's doing. He wants to see me all flustered like this, not able to look him in the eye with red cheeks and butterflies in my stomach.

"You need to stop doing that," I told him, playing with my pen, staring at it as an excuse not to look at him.

"Doing what?" He asked, feigning innocence but there was a knowing twist to his voice that showed he knew exactly what I was talking about. I knew he knew what I was talking about, he was saying these things on purpose just to get these reactions from me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Jordan," I said, shaking my head at him when he chuckled softly.

"I just wanted to hear you say it but you're not going to are you?"


"Fine, fine but I'll get you to say it one day. Is the word flirt not in your extensive vocabulary?" Jordan teased and I giggled.

"I'm more surprised that the word extensive is in your vocabulary," I teased back in return and he feigned hurt, placing a hand on his heart.

"I'm hurt Ellie. My good looks are obviously clouding my genius," Jordan pretended to mutter to himself.

"What good looks?" I joked and Jordan's eyes twinkled with amusement when he shook his head at me.

"And here I was thinking I was perfect and I don't even have good looks. There goes my self confidence," Jordan said with an exaggerated crestfallen expression on his face that perked up when I started giggling at him.

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